Chapter 1

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13 years later...

Leonado- Micah Santiago's POV

"Kwabena, wake up! Ruben is here!" My mother's unreasonably loud voice shocks me out of my sleep.

I want to roll over and go back to sleep, but the quilt cajoling the warmth around my half naked body is ripped off of me.

"Nigga, didn't you hear auntie Adey tell you to wake the fuck up?!" I open my eyes and glare at my best friend and cousin, Ruben.

^^Ruben Kofi Carter

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^^Ruben Kofi Carter.

He is the child of Uncle Elijah and auntie Eleanor, 3 months older, but if anything, he looks a lot younger.

"If my ass is late to the first god-damned day of school because of your dumbass and your dumbass sleep!... We bout to fight!" He tells me.

"Shut your ass up, I groan, going into my bathroom that is connected to my room.

I take a quick shower then get out, drying off and wearing some underwear and a pair of pants.

I look in the mirror.

^^ Leonado-Micah Kwabena Santiago

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^^ Leonado-Micah Kwabena Santiago

"Damn, I got to shave" I tell myself quietly, rubbing my cheeks.

I shrug and then go into my room.

Ruben lays on my bed, on his phone, texting someone.

"Nigga get up! I gotta tidy my bed so get me a shirt so we can go!" I tell him shoving him off of my bed.

He lands in the floor with a loud 'thud'.

"Nigga, when I get up!" He groans.

I snort and start to tidy up my bed.

I turn around, and a shirt hits me in the face.

I scowl and put it on.

We head down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey ma" I say, giving her a hug and kissing her forehead.

I'm a lot taller than her now but she doesn't mind.

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