Chapter 10

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This one is dedicated to lili_silva3  because her comments fully kill me with laughter and I love it! It's a real encouragement to me and I appreciate you so much.

Adeline Santiago's POV.

"Matty, I'll be absolutely fine!" I tell my worried husband.

"Amore, I'm going with you" he insists, grabbing his jacket back off of the couch.

The children have gone to school and I am getting myself ready to go and meet my...



That thought felt so weird.

Even though way my conscience trips over the word.



It still hasn't sunk in.

How did this happen?

I sigh loudly.

"Matéo, I need answers and there is no way I'm going to get them, with you lurking in the background looking ready to fight with him" I say rubbing my temples.

"Amore, you are my wife and not only is it cold out there, you are pregnant!" He yells exasperatedly.

"What kind of husband and father would I be if I let you go by yourself?" He asks.

I walk up to him and give him a kiss.

"You would be a trusting one?" I respond gently.

He pouts.

"Why do you always have to be right?" He whines, wrapping his arms around me and snuggling his face into my chest.

I giggle.

"Okay, let me go now" I say, trying to pull away.

"Nahh" he responds pulling me closer and grinning.

"Gimme another kiss" He says, pouting.

I giggle, roll my eyes and peck his lips.

"And again"

I kiss him

"And again"

"Matty!" I squeal.

"Okay.... the last one" he says.

I kiss him and then pull away, before I never leave the house.

"Stop stalling!" I tell him and he smirks.

"It was worth a try" He responds with a shrug.

I laugh at his childish behaviour and then walk out of the house and get into the car.

I start up the engine and reverse the car out of the garage and into the front yard.

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