Chapter 41

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Shoutout to teeniel123 who was the first comment last time. Your support is really appreciated 💕🙌🏾.

Dana Harris' POV

"I think you should stay in the car" I tell Nicolás.

He looks at me as if I've lost the plot.

"Doesn't that seem a little dangerous?" He asks.

I nod.

"It is. But if you come with me, it will make everything a lot more suspicious." I remind him.

He sighs and then nods, turning to face me properly.

"Please be careful..." he says dolefully.

I smile at him gently.

"I will, Nic. I promise" I say.

Without warning, he leans forwards and kisses me gently, his hand cupping my face.

I react by letting him kiss me, before I pull away.

"Nic, I- -" I start to say, but he cuts me off.

"You don't have to say anything. I know you still have feelings for the Santiago boy" he says looking at the steering wheel.

I stay silent, knowing that he is far from lying.

"I- - I just want you to know how I feel" he responds.

I put my hand on his and he takes it, planting a soft kiss on my knuckles.

"I have something to do, so just call me if you're coming back to my place tonight.

I nod.

"I will." I respond.

I lean towards him and kiss his cheek.

He smiles weakly and then lets me out of the car.

I grab the baking tray and walk towards the front of the house, my heart starting to beating extremely quickly.

It feels like it's been a while since I was last here.

I approach the door and I knock twice, before I can change my mind.

The door opens and there stands Ade.

She looks at me and then blinks a couple of times.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, eyeing the tray suspiciously.

"I- - we need to talk" I say, feeling tongue tied.

"Bout?" She asks, hand rubbing her largely pregnant stomach.

"Come in" She says, stepping back inside and letting me in.

"Close the door behind you" she demands.

I do as she asks and then turn to face her.

Before I can react, she grabs my arms and pulls me into a huge hug.

I stay still for a moment in complete shock.

Hot tears spring to my eyes and I start crying.

I don't even deserve her kindness.

"Come to the kitchen and I'll make you a cup of tea" she says, once she pulls away.

"You look like you need it" She remarks.

When we walk to the kitchen, I hand her the tray and she offers me a tissue.

I take it and dab at my eyes, still sniffing.

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