Chapter 31

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Leonardo Santiago's POV.

I wake up a tangle of arms, legs and Dana's hair in my face.

I look down at her and smile a little.

She sleeps on top of me, cheek pressed against my chest and her arms around my torso.

I trace small circles on her shoulder, then rub my hand on her back, attempting to wake her up.

"Noo!" She grumbles sleepily and I chuckle.

She woke up in the middle of the night and changed into one of my shirts, which has clearly ridden up her body, as she has slept, revealing her butt.

I smirk to myself and reach down, grabbing her and giving it a little squeeze.

She giggles and buried her face into my chest.

"Stopp!" She says playfully.

"I'll stop when you get up" I mutter, into her hair.

She sits up, straddling me.

"I'm hungry" she says.

"Yeah?" I tease.

"Why, aren't you?" She asks me confused.

"Well I ate not long, but..." I say with a smirk, running my hand down her thigh.

She gasps when she catches my double meaning and she hits my chest.

"Leo!" She says.

"Dana" I respond sitting up.

She smiles a little and leans forward to kiss me.

Just before her lips can touch mine, she pulls away and sniffs the air.

"Food!" She squeals scrambling off of me.

I chuckle as she hops off my bed and rummages through my draw and pulls out my red pair of basketball shorts, wearing them and pulling on the drawstrings so that they don't fall off.

She ten sprints out of my room.

I wear a pair of grey sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt.

As I walk out of my room, she skids out of the bathroom and bounds down the stairs.

I chuckle again, and then go into the bathroom to do my hygiene.

When I'm done, I make my way downstairs to see her sitting at the breakfast bar, with Jayla eating breakfast.

She noticed me, mouth still full and she scans her eyes down me slowly, drinking me in.

Her eyes stop at my waist and then she meets my eyes with a slight smirk, which I return.

"Mornin' family!" I say.

"Morning son" my mom says, not looking at me, but smiling at the pancakes.

"Son" my dad responds, harassing my mom as usual.

"Hey Micah" my sister says, with a small grin.

Does the whole house know what we did last night?

I shrug to myself and try not to think too much about it.

I grab my plate and sit down, next to Dana.

I lean towards her and mutter in her ear.

"I think they know what we did" I chuckle.

She nods.

"We weren't exactly quiet" she reminds me and I laugh.

"What are you two whispering bout?" My mom asks us.

My dad pulls her closer and tells her something in her ear.

She looks a little shocked and then she makes her face neutral.

"So, Dana..." my mom starts.

Her eyes have become dull and she looks as if she could kill someone at that very moment, if not my dad's arm around her waist.

"Where did you day you came from?" She asks.

Dana, clearly not noticing the shift, talks normally.

"Well we moved here from Chicago, when I was younger, me and my brother"

"And your parents?" She asks and I feel Dana stiffen next to me.

"They're dead, Ade, they were... killed." She says staring into space.

"I'm sorry to hear that" my mom says with a sympathetic look.

"It's nothing, Ade you didn't know." Dana whispers.

I gulp to myself.

"Well" my mom breaths.

"You best get ready for school, si?" She says, turning back to the food.

Dana stands up and without another word, she goes up to change.

"Jayla, look after her" My mom sighs and Jayla nods.

"Kwabena, you stay here, we need to talk" She says.

I look at my dad.

We've already discussed the Dana situation and we both decided that for the sake of my mom's pregnancy, we wouldn't tell her.

And now, it's coming back to bite us in the ass!

When Dana and Jayla are out of earshot, my mom turns around and sits opposite me.

"So when were you both going to tell me?" She asks.

She doesn't look sad, she doesn't look hurt and she doesn't even look angry.

We've fucked up.

"Mom, I-" I start to say, but she raises a hand to silence me.

"I'm not done with you" she cuts.

"I am not an idiot as you know, so if you try and bullshit me with any stupid reasons"

"We didn't want you to stress, because of the babies" my dad says.

My mom looks at him.

"Are you forgetting that I handled the entirety of our company illegally and illegally, while you were in New York and I was pregnant with Jayla at the time?" She asks and my dad shuts his mouth.

"And what about when you were sick and the shipments were late?" She asks.


"Matéo, I am your wife and your business partner" she says, laying a hand on his arm.

"I already have Jerome sneaking around, why do you have to do the same?" She asks sadly.

And with that, she gets up and walks out.

I feel my heart weigh down with guilt.

I look at my dad, who stares back at me.

"Stick to the plan" He says, with a sight and I nod.

"I'll explain everything to your mother later.

I sigh and get up, grabbing my keys.

So she knows...

After this, I realise that this is all gonna be harder than I expected.

A lot harder.


Hey all!

Their date is up next!

What do you think will happen?

Will it go down well?

Until next time

~ Xo

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