Chapter 45

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Hey guys! So I've got a lot of ideas for this book... but I may have to put them into a third book! What do you guys think?

Adeline Santiago's POV.

The sweet cries of my newborn children fill the room like a cloud of joy.

I sit up and open my eyes weakly.

I see Matéo holding our children, his face a huge and handsome smile as he coos at them.

Even from here, I can see that they got my hair.

"Matty?" I call weakly. He looks up towards me and smiles even wider.

"Hey, sweetheart, how do you feel?" He asks gently.

"Sore" I chuckle softly, wincing at the pain in my side.

"Do you want to see our new babies?" He asks, walking towards me as I nod.

I feel my heart flush with joy, when my husband lays the babies in my hands.

They are girls!

And they are beautiful!

They both stare up at me alertly and then smile softly, their facial expressions mirroring each other.

"What will we call our little princesses?" Matéo asks me.

"Tinayé" I say looking at the beautiful girl in my right arm.

"Because she is a beautiful blessing from God" I whisper.

"And Bodua. Because she came first and she is a born protector." I say with proud tears in my eyes.

^^ Tinayé and Bouda Santiago

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^^ Tinayé and Bouda Santiago

I look at Matéo and I see his eyes brimming with fresh tears, a lopsided grin on his face.

I raise my face upwards and he leans down to kiss me, his tears falling on my cheeks and mixing with mine.

"I love you and our newborns very much" he mutters against my lips and then reluctantly pulls away.

He picks up Bodua and kisses all over her little face and she instantly reacts, smiling at him.

Daddy's girl!

Tinayé on the other hand, snuggles into my chest and I chuckle, knowing she's hungry even though she's been fed not long.

She is definitely mine!

I move my shirt aside and start to feed her, supporting her head in one arm and letting her wrap her tiny little hand around my little finger.

I feel eyes on me and I look up to see a fascinated Matéo looking at me with a small smile on his face.

"What?" I ask him.

"You've not done that in 15 years" he chuckles.

I smile back.

"Could you please call everyone in?" I ask him softly, tucking my breast back into my bra and shirt, as Tinayé starts to doze off.

Matéo nods and places Bodua gently in my arms.

Bodua gurgles happily, looks at her twin sister and then smiles harder, before dozing off.

I smile down at them affectionately.

Suddenly the door clicks as it opens.

"I swear to God if you wake them, I'll shoot you myself!" I hear Matéo hiss at someone and I chuckle.

I look up to see the whole family pool into the room, being careful not to make any sudden moves or crash into any of the equipment.

All of their eyes shine with curiosity.

And then my eyes fall to her.

Why the fuck?


My 'mother' is here!

I look at Jerome and he looks at me pleadingly.

Before I can say anything, Leo steps forwards and plants a kiss on my forehead, smoothing my hair down.

He looks down at his sisters and then bends to kiss each of their tiny noses, before stepping back.

Jayla then steps forwards and does the same, then Elijah, Ruben, Eleanor and everyone else, until it's time for Jerome to step forwards.

He kisses my face and then looks at the twins.

I look at him as he breaks out into a smile just looking at them.

"They're beautiful" he whispered.

I nod in agreement.

Matéo takes Bodua out of my arms and puts her down to sleep before doing the same with Tinayé and then ushering everyone out of the room.

"Wait" I say, before Demiter can leave.

She turns to face me.

She looks a little scared.

"I- I'm not going to leave them like you left me" I tell her.

She nods sadly.

"I know you won't dear" she sighs.

"But you're my mother... and their grandmother" I say.

She looks up hopefully.

"If you ever ditch us again, then don't even bother coming back." I tell her.

Matéo steps forwards.

"Baby, visiting times..." He says, eyeing Demiter up and down.

I nearly smirk.


Demiter approaches me and hugs me tightly.

I remain stiff, not ready to receive her affection yet.

She lets go and smiles a little at me before giving Matéo a nod, which he hardly returns, before she leaves.

Matéo sits next to me on the bed.

"Get some rest amore" he tells me and just as he does, I feel my eyes drooping.

I lean into him, taking in his warmth.

He wraps a protective arm around me and soon enough, I fall asleep.


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