ρυρρєт | 15

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Buff Nomu crept up behind him, watching his every move.

"Us Nomu are your weapon....your using us, are you perhaps giving us a purpose?" He paused with a long sigh as he slightly smiled.

"I put everything i knew together, such as you guys being villains, forcing me to not remember my past, putting me in this cage with other Nomu......"

Shigaraki cringed, clearly angry at how quickly he managed to figure them out. Kurogiri on the other hand only hoped that he wasn't going to say what they thought he was.

"You gu-" "Buff Nomu attack him." All for One sneered, watching as Izuku clung onto the metal bars almost insanely.

He slowly turned to the bull, watching it with fear.

Kurogiri looked away, he honestly didn't want to watch him get beat. If anything, he cared for the boy. He felt bad for him. Just imagine being in his shoes, suffering for having a dream you longed for...

"Buff Nomu, i said attack!"All For One shouted, causing Kurogiri to look at what's gone wrong.

Buff Nomu only shook slightly, still watching Izuku, he walked away as if nothing.

"What the hell?!" Shigaraki ran over to the cage, "Then i'll do it myself!" Shigaraki opened the cage door, Izuku now shaking with even more fear.

"H-Hey...you d-didn't even le-let me finish..." he whimpered backing up with his hands held out in front of him.

"Sqwuark!" Ptery, or bird Nomu, clung off the cage, watching Tomura.

"Tomura, i believe they're protecting Nomu for some reason, try hitting him."

Shigaraki stepped closer and closer, until Izuku was cornered by the wall and the cage, because it would only be a matter of time. "P-Please d-don't...just hear me out!" He pleaded, but Tomura felt no guilt as he kicked Izuku's shin, knocking him over and fall to his knees as he continuously kicked the young boy.

Kurogiri watched in horror, but why....why did he care? He killed people, dozens in fact...and it was all for fun, not because it was forced upon him...so why?

Atleast All for One's hypothesis was correct, since the bird Nomu swept down and pinned Shigaraki to the ground.

He was rather annoyed to being pinned, but he was also intrigued.

"Sqwuaaark!" Ptery screeched as Buff Nomu ran over, picking up young Izuku who only held his head with fear written all over his face....but that wasn't all, no, there was also sorrow...

Or in better words...


"Wow that hurt, you do know that i was going to say the truth right? I can be a real detective with the smallest amount of info and from what i can tell is that..." He giggled as his hand clenched his face, sitting up in Buff Nomu's hold.

"You guys just want to use me right? Ha....am i your new puppet? Because....it's probably no wonder i can't feel anything other than the pain....not in my heart, no, in my mind..."

Kurogiri now walked over closer to the cage door, more curious of his strange attitude.

"I feel corrupted....a scrambled box of puzzle pieces, heck, i can't even tell what in saying! ." Nomu sighed with a small smile plastered on his face.

All for One was now interested in his quick change, not only that, but he was quite intrigued.

Bird Nomu hopped off of Tomura, quickly running over to Izuku's side. "Ah...ptery how are you buddy? Thanks for helpin me out i guess!" He pet bird Nomu's head, and surprisingly the Nomu leaned to his touch.

"Then tell me Nomu...what side would you be on? Would you stand on top, or fall to the bottom?" All for One asked as he helped Tomura up.

Izuku shrugged, his smile slowly fading."I don't care...i don't even remember what i wanted to be...i feel like...my purpose just left me..."

Kurogiri would have felt bad, if it weren't for the smile brewing up onto All for Ones face.

All for One walked up towards the young boy, his footsteps loud, and each one only making there curiosity for the boy grow.

It was clearly a sight to see him that way, but why was he like that?

They all wondered the same thing...

Buff Nomu stayed in place, not even flinching as All for One stopped in his tracks, now towering over Izuku.

"Does it make you feel...upset perhaps? Not remembering? Or does it upset you to not feel things the same way?"

Yet again he shrugged, "It's not like i can really even remember if i did want to remember, and maybe i did this to myself...the more i thought about it....the more i realized how i could've done this to myself..."

He paused.

"With the beating you gave me i realized that maybe you were doing the best for me...maybe i told you if you could hurt me to teach me...i don't know..but maybe it's possible... i feel fear, and joy..hah...love i guess, but for some reason it doesn't feel the same..."

"Sometimes i feel like it's not even me anymore...."

It sounded like he could go on and on about how he felt, all his negativities dragging him down.

He thought to much, each thought making him think of the worst possibilities and his emotions slowly leaving his body. He felt like a empty shell. A empty shell that anyone could use.

"So you would listen to us now without trouble? It's better to have no feelings, as to why....well...let's just say that they get in the way."

Nomu nodded, and smiled slightly.

"Ha...i guess your right...and crying is annoying...in a way...i like it. The water that comes out of my eyes are so salty...i feel like im Poseidon, y'know... controlling the ocean or whatever."

Tomura smiled, maybe messing up his brain was what they should have done in the beginning. They should have turned him into a real Nomu, a new puppet to their collection.

" And you plan on going with the plan without force?"

He raised a brow with a smirk as he hopped out of the Nomu's hands.

"Well it's not like i have a choice either way right?"

Only Shigaraki and All For One smiled,

Though Kurogiri was shocked.

He was utterly confused.

•3rd POV (with Endeavor)•

Briiiiing Briiiiing Br-

"Damn Todoroki!" Endeavor sneered to himself, checking his phone, almost 60 phone calls from his son.

"Wow, looks like someone wants to help, why won't you let him?" Present Mic asked Endeavor.

"Well he's not ready yet, and he'd only go out there with his emotions taking over, and that's not good is it?" Endeavor groaned as he wrote in some documents.

Present Mic nodding, and just after, the door swung open.

"The plan is about to begin, get in your places!" All Might proudly stated.

1169 words! Ha...im sorry i haven't updated, y'know school and all....if i'm honest, i just really wanted to make this a good chapter....which made it take longer since i probably erased half the story about 3 or 4 times and rewrote it different plots...i hope this one was good enough!

Thanks for reading~! Arigatou!!

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