qυιяк | 13

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\(////)\  OMG GUYS 1K reads!!!!  THANKS SO MUCH!!! I honestly thought i would only get like, 200 or 100 but nope!! So thanks!!!!! I really appreciate it!!

"WE ONLY CARE CUZ OF THE STORY!" -random reader

"....oh ok ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥) thats fine....here...you go...." -me

A creature dove down and snatched me from the ground with its bird like feet. They were powerful, i didn't mind in admiring them. Even if his shrieks echoed through the room along with the whistling sounds from before.

He had an exposed brain....strange.....though it fid also seem to have a mask over its possibly beak...Its wings were probably the size of my body....cool!

It dove down, wind blasting in my face, all i had to think was, really?

"Ah....there you are Nomu. I see you brought over our guest."

That voice had the simular whistling and creepiness from before....it was the masked man!!!! "O-oh! H-hi sir!" I say as the bird takes its claws off me. I could see he smiled through his mask. "Nomu...i hope you know that your not the only Nomu around here." He said walking over to trays full of strange glowing/bubbling substances.

Im not the only Nomu...?

"You see...Nomu is only a given name to these creatures," The bird crawled over to him, squawking a few before the man pet him. "They are subjects, and so happen to be one."

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat????????!?!???????? O_O

"I've created you, i've given you a life that the heroes couldn't give you.....they left you, they betrayed you. They believed you could do nothing, but we did.... and that is why you are here."

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!?!?!!!??????!!??! Σ('◉⌓◉')

"This is Winged Nomu and Buff Nomu. You are just Nomu, the first Nomu."

"Wow wait, so....what does Nomu mean?"

"It means an artificial human with no emotions, though you were given a few emotions." He began walking towards a large cage, it was honestly freaky. Mostly because it was extremely dark and also.....there were tons of spiders!!!!!!

"U-Um...Si-" "You can call me All for One, or Sensei. There is no need to call me 'Sir'." He interrupted, stopping in front of what I believe was the middle of the cage. I nod with a small smile, still anxious about what was in the huge cage, or why there were so many insects....

"Alright Sensei...um...I was going to ask what was in this cage....its really big, and scary.."

"Oh, well. This will be your experimenting room, and you can clean it if you'd like. We never expected you to have emotions, so we thought you wouldn't mind staying in here."

The huge door creaked open, and Sensei flicked on a light switch. The cage seemed only dusty, but other than that I guess it was fine. Maybe ill just sweep it up... and fix my bed...If they give me one...then....*mental sigh* ill just figure it out once I take a closer look.

"The other Nomu will also stay in the cage with you, and they aren't hostile unless commanded to be, so you should be fine." The winged Nomu ran in the cage, and so did the Buff Nomu.

I walk in with them both, I guess their considered as my family since i'm a subject...how friendly can they be though? I can befriend them right? that would be awesome! But why are they doing experiments...OMG TODOROKI! were gonna get him with these?! I can't wait!

I fell back from a hard surface crashing into my forehead. "Oof" I look up and it turned out to be the Buff Nomu, Wow he's like a rock wall or something! His head loomed over me, as if stalking its prey. Like hell I would be prey. I glared up at him, but his derpy eyes just looked back. There is no possible way this creature could be scary with those eyes!


The winged Nomu walked over, examining me from a short distance. They have the exact same eyes, thats weird. It shifted to the side at a quick speed, making me flinch at its quick yet sudden movements. "Sqwuaaak" yet again its quick movements startled me as it tossed me onto its sand skin like spine.

The Buff Nomu just stared, it was almost as if the two were mentally sharing ideas telepathically or something. "Hmph" It sounded like a bulls grunts for battle holy crap!!

The bull, ehem ill call it that now, grunted this time even more loudly, bringing its massive head down towards mine and the ptery, short for pterodactyl. It honestly does look like a dinosaur if im being honest, or atleast more dino than bird!

"Hmph, Trrph" it picked me up from the ptery's back, and it just squawked, throwing its wings up as if starting a battle. Mental communication where's All for One when you need him?! I bit the bull's hand which held onto me, and it only looked over to me just as Ptery did. "Let go im only for Todoroki!"

And with that it successfully let me go, thankfully i was close to the ground too.

"Stay here and don't start anything!" I start walking away towards the gate, seeing if Sensei was still around.

I just couldn't wait to find Todoroki, i just want to get him for myself! 

"Nomu? Whats wrong?" Sensei stood only a few feet away from the now closed cage, shaking up some scientific glass bottles with bubbling blue liquids.

He honestly looked badass, yet creepy as he did that.

"I was wondering...." A smile crept up on my face, and i held onto the bars with full attention on the man in front of me. "When are we going for Todoroki?! I can't wait!!"

His whistling grew into small hidden laughter, into loud yet devilish laughter. "Hahaha, thats great to hear. Were planning on going next week. You still have to train your qui-" "I-I um! I already know how to use it!"

The laughter died just as i interrupted, oh crap what have i done!


His voice was now as deep and bloodlust just as it was on Mom, this only meant one thing.
I got him pissed.


1049 words!! Sorry, this chapter was a bit rushed since it turns out im leaving tonight for Mexico!! Lets pray that nothing happens on my flight (*'*)

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