тнє ¢συятιиg gαмє | 17

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What...in the world...

"You have one suspect who would like too speak too you before hand however. All Might, you may step up."

The jumpsuit man whom was i believe was All Might walked up in front of me, i don't know why i shook, but i was honestly afraid...

Could i die by making the wrong choice?

"Midoriya...ever since the first time you returned i demanded too let it slide, i brought people to help you stay......though...after your second disappearance it was made clear that the Villains wanted you on their side.

Your strong, brave, and you don't let anyone get in your way...

That's what we like about you...but...seeing you like this, brainwashed constantly, loosing memories without notice, it doesn't just hurt you." He paused, seeming too hold in his emotions.

"It hurts us, because we care about you. We cherish you like a family, it hurts seeing you not know who we are! We want you back as a hero, back as your old self...and that may not happen depending on your choice..but i just ask of you, just this once, too please come back too us, Midoriya."

A tear ran down my right eye, was i crying again?

He walked off the stage, someone bursting through the doors. "I'd like too say something too!" "Me too!" Two people shouted, the detective raising a brow before sighing and nodding. "Go ahead."

One angry blonde ran up to the microphone, "DEKU! YOU BETTER COME BACK TO UA, AND IF YOU DON'T AND BECOME A VILLAIN, THEN I'LL TAKE YOU DOWN MYS-" "alright that's enough bakugo, take a seat, your scaring the kid."

"Scaring? That brat has to learn some manners!" I growl, he was the same guy from the picture, but he looked less intimidating in person. That moron...

He cringed but kept walking, more like stomping, his way back to his seat.

Then....it was him.

Shoto Todoroki.

"Izuku Midoriya, you may not kno-"

"Of course i know you Shoto Todo Kun~! It's nice too finally see you in person! I couldn't wait too see your adorable face!!" I grin, my cheeks slightly blushing.

I couldn't help but love this guy, and sure, maybe it was just a picture that made me say i loved him. But ever since i saw him, i felt like i met him already. I loved him....and he loved me.

"W-wait how do you know me?" Shoto asked, almost worried.

"Shiki sensei, Mom, and....and All for One wanted too bring you and that Bakugo kid too the base. But it's gone now so i guess i don't have too do anything anymore." I huff at the end, many people now whispering and chattering behind the many chairs.

"By the way....if you guys want me too be a hero, then you could've just said so....it's not like i even remember what i wanted to be before, who knows, i might of changed my mind without notice, but im just a puppet like any other, you can use m-"

"Midoriya....were not here to use you..were here to set you free, to let you live up to the dream you once had. The dream we all have together..." A brunette said from the crowd.

"Yea, and if you are a puppet, then we'll cut off the strings that restrict your movements!" A yellow haired pikachu said.

"A-I-what? But what if i don't know what too do! All i've done so far was obey orders! How am i even suppose too know if i'm doing what's right?! What if i didn't even want too remember?! What if you guys are lying too me! Wh-"

"Can you stop with the what if's? There's no need too be so negative about everything. Or is it.....that you don't want to be a hero?" A red head huffed.

I flinch, was that the truth? Was i the one pulling myself down this entire time? Why do i keep asking questions...that's probably what's making it worse....i could...always just go along with them...but what i-NO!

Maybe my mind is just forcing it now T_T

"No, I guess my mind is just trying too drive me down..." i huff.

"But i do wanna try being a hero!" I smile, some of the people there smiling like they saw God. They also seemed familiar....


"Deku, that's me, im Deku 1 2 3! Deku that's me, i count from 12-"

"Can you shut up with that?!" The angry blonde shouted for the millionth time, throwing a pen back at me.

"Ow- can't you shut up! I'm not even singing that loud!" I growl, throwing the pen back.

"Midoriya, don't throw things." Mr Aizawa called, everyone looking over at me.

"But he threw it at me first!" I hiss, glaring at Mr Aizawa.

"Ugh whatever, just don't do it again..."

I hum in response, looking as he teaches the lesson, my head now resting on the desk.

They seemed pretty chill with me here, even if i almost turned full on villain. I honestly have no idea why they would let me in....it's almost like they're crazy. Maybe they're on drugs lol.

Oh yea,

They wanted me too put on the school uniform, but i declined and wore 'normal' clothes instead. Which were black joggers and a white T-shirt. Was that what people wore?

What a bori- Tuk

What the...

I place a hand on my head where a sudden pain hit, then i look down at the pen rolling towards me.



I've had it with this damn pen!

I threw it at Bakugo's neck pretty hard, the whole class turning back too me for the second time.

"I DIDN'T THROW ANY GODAMN PEN THIS TIME!" He shouted, but i glared at him.

"oh yea, then who threw it huh?!" I hiss back.

The class got quite, but the blonde pointed behind me, Shoto Todoroki sweat dropping as he watched.

"I- i uh....just wanted to say hi..." he coughed nervously.

The teacher just listened as we supposedly 'solved the problem ourselves' by 'talking it out' or something. That's sorta lazy....but this teacher's been lazy the whole flippin day by teaching in a sleeping bag.


I mean, who in their right mind does that?!

Lazy old man.

"Well hello Shoto kun, sorry for the ehem...outburst."

I hated sounding so polite.

"And as for you, im...not, sorry for yelling at you, BECAUSE YOU DESERVED IT!" Oh the face he had was priceless.

It went from calm state, to 'i'll blow your Goddamn face off' in a matter of 3 seconds! What a great guy to mess with!

Then the door swung open, All Might poking through.

"Midoriya, i'd like to speak with you."


1160 words my bois i really loved that ending and in fact i was honestly too lazy, and didn't know what to write for the rest, so yea, THAT'S ALL FOR NOW!


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