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Seven Months Ago
Haruhi opened her eyes seeing everyone smiling at her including her boyfriend Tamaki.

Tamaki: You're awake! You scared us when you fainted back there! Are you okay?

Haruhi: I'm fine...

The doctor walked in.

Doctor: Ah, glad to see you in good health miss Fujioka, and after running a few tests, the faint was luckily nothing serious and was caused by stress. But I would advise you to keep your stress at a minimum and your child should be just fine.

Haruhi froze, she felt Tamaki move away from her slightly. Her dad looked at her with an angry expression and the other hosts including Tamaki left the room except Honey. Haruhi's dad walked out later, nobody said anything to her or even acknowledged her. Haruhi felt like she wanted to cry, Honey saw her eyes beginning to fill with tears as he gently tapped her shoulder.

Honey: What's wrong Haru-chan?

Haruhi: Th-this wasn't supposed to happen... everybody is suddenly mad at me... I get why though... stupid...

Honey: You're not stupid Haru-chan...

Haruhi: Now even Tamaki seems like he's mad at me... does he not want the baby...?

Honey looked at her.

Honey: Why would he not want the baby Haru-chan...?

Haruhi shrugged.

Haruhi: Honestly, I can't read how Tamaki feels about certain things, and he can be pretty spontaneous with his feelings... I'm not even sure how I feel about this...

Honey: That's okay... you don't have to decide right away...

Haruhi sighed and laid back her eyes on the ceiling.

Haruhi: I'll just have to wait and see...

That's how it started.

Haruhi: What? What do you mean?

Tamaki: I mean we're done. I'm breaking up with you.

Haruhi was trying to process what he was saying. Her heart was also aching with the cold and harsh tone of his voice.

Haruhi: W-why?

Tamaki kept his gaze away from her.

Tamaki: You know why.

Haruhi: W-Wait... Tamaki please don't leave! Please Tamaki I need you! Please! TAMAKI!

Everything went wrong. People started to hate me. Tamaki, my dad...

Ranka: I'm sorry Haruhi but you can't stay here.

Haruhi: Because of college...?

Ranka looked at her.

Ranka: You know why Haruhi, start packing please.

Haruhi: D-dad... I... if that's what you want... *crying* y-you'll never see me again... I'm sorry for disappointing you...

My friends...

Haruhi sat alone in a corner, nobody approached her, the clients in the club were getting worried about Haruhi since she looked more depressed and lonely. And because all of the hosts were ignoring her like she was a criminal.

I started to think, should I get rid of you? Would that fix everything?

Haruhi: What kind of sick joke is that?! You just can't get enough of messing with me can you?! I already know that Tamaki doesn't want anything to do with me! Neither does my dad! I get that everyone hates me now! Why do you have to rub it in my face?!

Kaoru: H-

Haruhi: Right, I know why, you don't want the baby to exist either. That was dad and Tamaki's reason. Anyway, I filled my side of the bargain, I repaid my debt now will you please let me get my diploma and get the hell out of this school?

Haruhi walked out of the room, the twins trying to run after her, she couldn't hear them.

After all, nobody wanted to see you, dad, didn't want to see you, Tamaki didn't want to see you, my friends didn't want to see you... and for a while... I thought I didn't want to see you...

Haruhi: Hani...? Why are you-...?

Honey: I don't feel like talking to you right now.

Haruhi stood there staring at Honey as he left. She felt the tears faintly forming in her eyes.

Haruhi: 'Hani... not you too...'

Maybe, if you were gone, things would go back to normal.

Haruhi sat on the stage away from her former friends who turned away from her. Her dad hadn't come to her graduation and she wasn't surprised.

But then I thought.

Haruhi walked off the stage after the ceremony passing her old friends still refusing to look at her, one even purposefully hit her shoulder with his own. She walked onto the grass only to let the realization sink in that she was all alone, falling to her knees she began to sob uncontrollably. She had friends that hate her. A dad that wants nothing to do with her. An ex boyfriend that didn't want the baby. She had nobody. Nothing. Nobody cared about her or loved her.

Why should I get rid of you,

Haruhi looked at her stomach and hugged it shutting her eyes.

If you're all I have?

Haruhi: I promise, I will never leave you under any circumstances... I won't care about what mistakes you may make or what might happen to you... I love you sweetheart... I'll never let you go... and I'll never stop loving you my little angel...
Four Months Later
Haruhi sat in the park rubbing her stomach gently. She didn't have any friends, no family to turn to, all she had was her baby which she now loved more than anything. The baby was all she had, she had gotten a job as a nurse in Kyoya's hospital (luckily she hasn't seen him), used the backup money she saved for the vase debt to buy a house and some baby supplies and is starting to pick herself back up.

She'd be starting college soon and by then she'd be holding the child she held so dear to her in her arms. Haruhi sighed, she'd have to stay strong for her son or daughter, she'd have to forget the past and be there for them at all costs.

She didn't want the baby to look like Tamaki, that would make it harder for her to move on, but she would still love the baby until her heart stopped beating. That was now a promise that she was never going to break, now, everything she was going to do, would be for her baby. Haruhi suddenly felt a pain and quickly started walking to the hospital.

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