Chapter 4.

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Two Months Later
Haruhi laid back on the couch, Shiromi sleeping soundly on her chest. When she heard the doorbell ring she got up and answered it. When she opened the door she blinked to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.

Haruhi: M-Mori? Hani...?

Hani: Haru-chan?

Haruhi didn't know what to do, her body was frozen, her mind was fuzzy, her eyes were fixed on the two figures before her. She felt like she wanted to cry, seeing Hani and Mori again, after their last interactions involved shunning and abandonment.

Haruhi: W-what are you doing here...?

Mori: We were just visiting Hikaru and Kaoru. Is this the correct place?

Haruhi felt small tears form in her eyes before hiding her face and nodding.

Haruhi: Y-Yeah this is the right place...

Haruhi let the two walk in and sit on the couch.

Haruhi: H-Hikaru! Kaoru H-Hani and- Mori are here...

Hikaru and Kaoru walked downstairs noticing how nervous she looked. If there was one thing that Haruhi couldn't stand, it was having an emotional breakdown in front of other people. Especially when it came to those who knew her. She almost had one when she walked up to her former teachers to get her high school diploma during graduation. Haruhi began to feel like if she interacted with anyone from that memory she now resented, she would either have a panic attack or an emotional breakdown.

She didn't want either of that, especially when she was supposed to hold the role of Shiromi's mother. She couldn't afford to have that happen, she still had Shiromi in her arms and quickly rushed up the stairs and walked into her room.

The minute she closed the door the panic went away, she calmed down, it felt safe. Haruhi looked at Shiromi who cooed in her sleep making Haruhi smile. She had one picture of all her friends, but she kept it hidden so she wouldn't start crying, especially sense Tamaki was in the picture. Haruhi tried to forget him the most. He was the one who hurt her the most, other than her dad and Hani.

Hani peeked through the door seeing Shiromi's birth certificate. Shocked to find Tamaki's last name, and when Shiromi opened her eyes and looked at Honey, her eyes were identical to Tamaki's.

Quickly he walked downstairs, Mori seeing the shock and guilt in his cousin's eyes.

Mori: Are you okay?

Hani: T-Tama-Chan lied to us...! Haru-Chan never cheated on him! We bullied Haru-Chan for nothing!

Mori was stunned, he looked at the Hitachiin brothers.

Kaoru: It's true... Tamaki was the one who got Haruhi pregnant...

Hani: I-I can't believe we did that to Haru-Chan, she looked heartbroken when she saw us!!

Mori once again looked at the twins.

Hikaru: H-Haruhi has been having panic attacks recently... I-I think they're getting worse...

When Mori turned around Honey was already hugging Haruhi who had come back downstairs.

Haruhi: A-what-?!

Haruhi was stunned and surprised. She couldn't move, not with all the emotions running through her head. Her heart started beating faster, and her body started shaking. Seeing as her brain couldn't comprehend what was happening. Seconds later, Hikaru and Kaoru were hugging the petrified girl. Then Mori, Haruhi swore she was just imagining things, this wasn't actually happening.

Haruhi: A-... uh-....

It couldn't be, they hated her, there's no way this could be real! Honey was crying into Haruhi's leggings making them quite damp. Reality had fully sunken in my now, Haruhi found herself beginning to cry. She liked to tell herself that she was okay, but she wasn't. She liked to pretend that she never had a dad and that she never met the host club, but she did.

What happened put her through so much pain and embarrassment, there was no way she could pretend it never happened. Because it did happen, and it broke her. She was beginning to suffer from depression because of what happened, she was having major social issues because of what happened.

But Haruhi never paid attention to those things, she had to focus on being a good mother. She had to focus on keeping Shiromi safe, and focus on loving her as much as she possibly could. And focus on being there for her, and keeping her promise. Soon enough there was another doorbell that sounded. Mori hesitantly broke the hug and was met with a confused Kyoya.

Kyoya: Mori? Wh-

The first thing Kyoya saw was his friends holding a crying Haruhi. Kyoya was shocked to see Haruhi again, he quickly saw how much she had grown after high school. She had grown her hair out so it barely touched her shoulders, she constantly wore that necklace Tamaki had given her for her eighteenth birthday, and, he noticed that she didn't have that same bright, warm, comforting atmosphere around her.
The new atmosphere felt broken and depressed, painful and lonely. The atmosphere and sight alone told Kyoya how much pain she was in. Who wouldn't be in pain after something like that happened to her?

Kyoya: Oh Haruhi...

Mori had already called him and told him everything. Kyoya was now furious with Tamaki, first of all for hurting someone as kind hearted and compassionate as Haruhi. And lying to his friends to hurt Haruhi as well, what was wrong with him? Luckily the rage wasn't one sided, Mori had already taken his phone out to scream at Tamaki. Honey was busy comforting Haruhi and the Hitachiin brothers were scheming for revenge.

Hikaru: Trap door?

Kaoru: Pie in the face in front of the school? Wait!

Kaoru/Hikaru: Megaphone humiliation!

Kyoya put his things down and hugged Haruhi tightly. Haruhi was of course surprised but melted into the gesture and calmed down a little more. All Kyoya could focus on was the traumatized girl in his arms.
Guilt and empathy ran through his mind, he did this to her, she probably would have been in a much better place if at least one of them stayed by her side. Haruhi was always there for them, so why didn't she deserve it then?

Kyoya: I'm sorry Haruhi... I'm so sorry...

Kyoya looked at her, he was going to help her in every way he could. He had never met someone as kind and caring, albeit a little sarcastic and moody. But that kind of experience... Haruhi deserved so much better than what she got...

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