Chapter 10.

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Three Weeks Later
Haruhi looked over at Kaoru curiously.

Haruhi: Kaoru? What's wrong?

Kaoru: I don't know... why do you think Hikaru left...?

Haruhi tilted her head.

Haruhi: Um... because he wanted to try the program...? What do you mean?

Kaoru: I feel like he left for a different reason... he hasn't been responding to my texts...

Haruhi: Should I call him?

Kaoru paused to think about it before nodding.

Kaoru: You could try... I'm not sure he'll answer though...

Before Haruhi could call Hikaru there was a knock at the door. Kaoru went to open it, finding Kyoya, Honey and Mori.

Kaoru: Oh, hey guys.

Honey: Hi Kaoru!

Honey looked around somewhat eagerly.

Honey: Where's Hikaru?

Haruhi responded as Kaoru let the three in and closed the door.

Haruhi: He's taking a special college program in Tokyo, he'll be gone for several months...

Honey looked down.

Honey: *muttering* Why would he leave when he wanted...?

Kaoru: Huh?

Kyoya: Oh Kaoru, how's the baby doing?

Kaoru looked down.

Kaoru: It's healthy from what I know... and I'm planning on giving it up for adoption...

Honey's eyes widened like he knew something. Haruhi was the only one to notice.

Haruhi: Hani? Is something wrong?

Honey looked down.

Honey: H-Haru-Chan can we talk in private for a moment...?

Haruhi was surprised by the solemn tone but nodded. Haruhi closed the bedroom door behind her and sat next to Honey.

Haruhi: What's the matter? Is it about Kaoru's baby?

Honey nodded.

Honey: H-Hikaru knows...

Haruhi's eyes widened.

Haruhi: He knows about the baby...?

Honey nodded.

Haruhi: Well um... what does he have to say about it...? How long has he known?

Honey: He heard your first conversation with Kaoru... and ever since he was trying to give Kaoru as much time and love as he could... h-he told me he loved the baby too... and he wanted to keep them...

Haruhi: W-wait... Hikaru wants the baby...?

Honey nodded.

Haruhi: Oh no...

Eventually Honey and Mori left, Kaoru went to his classes. Kyoya stayed and walked next to Haruhi who had her hand on the bed, the other was holding onto her hair.

Kyoya: Did something happen...? You look pale...

Haruhi: Why...?

Kyoya: Hm...?

Haruhi: Why didn't I notice...? Why didn't I notice Hikaru...? He was trying so hard to make this easy for Kaoru and he got nothing in return... actually, he did get something... he got a broken heart.

Kyoya placed his hand on the bed next to Haruhi's, earning a blush.

Kyoya: Haruhi, You were busy with college, work and being a mother... You can't blame yourself for having your schedule full...

Haruhi: I know... But he's been doing everything I shouldn't have missed it so easily... d-does Hikaru think I never forgave him...? He's been doing similar acts of kindness to me... almost like he's trying to make it up to me somehow...

Kyoya: You can't blame him, I'm trying to make it up to you myself, especially after what we did...

Haruhi: Kyoya that was almost two years ago... and I already forgave both of you... you don't have to fix anything...

Kyoya: I feel like I need to though... you deserved so much better, and you were already in a bad situation... We just made it worse...

Haruhi: Kyoya... it wasn't entirely your fault, I know I've told you that before, you were just listening to your friend...

Kyoya: You were my friend too, I should have listened to you as much as I listened to Tamaki...

Haruhi was silent, she couldn't argue with him to stop feeling bad.

Haruhi: Hey... I've been meaning to ask, do you want to be friends again? We haven't verbally confirmed it...

Kyoya looked at her.

Kyoya: No... I don't just think of you as a friend Haruhi...

Haruhi looked at Kyoya before hearing Shiromi crying. Kyoya picked her up and gently cradled her in his arms. Haruhi was somewhat surprised at how quickly he calmed Shiromi down.

Kyoya: How has she been doing?

Haruhi: Good, Doctor Odayaka says she should be saying her first word soon...

Kyoya looked back at Shiromi and smiled. Shiromi cooed at him happily.

Haruhi: Aw... she really likes you Kyoya...

Kyoya smiled brighter.

Kyoya: Yeah, hi there~

Haruhi giggled quietly when suddenly...

Shiromi: Dada!
Hikaru sat next to Kaga as class was waiting to start. Kaga looked at Hikaru.

Kaga: How are you liking the program so far?

Hikaru: I actually really like it. I didn't realize how many different types of clouds there were. And it's kind of cool how unpredictable the weather is.

Kaga: That's good to hear. Taro told me you joined the program to get your mind off of something. He didn't say what, but I'm glad this isn't boring for you.

Hikaru looked at Kaga and smiled.

Hikaru: Thanks... did you ask Taro what happened?

Kaga: No problem, and no, I didn't ask him.

Hikaru tilted his head a bit.

Hikaru: But, aren't you curious to know what's going on?

Kaga shrugged.

Kaga: Yeah, but I don't want to push you into telling me if you aren't ready, plus we haven't exactly known each other for that long.

Hikaru smiled at Kaga again.

Hikaru: Well... maybe we can do something later on so we can get to know each other better...

Kaga looked at Hikaru noticing the light shade of pink on his cheeks.

Kaga: Sounds good to me, when would be the best time?

Hikaru shrugged.

Hikaru: During the weekend probably, or we could meet some time after school.

Kaga's cheeks went a light red.

Kaga: I have time after school tomorrow, if you want to just go for a walk or something.

Hikaru's cheeks seemed to get a little warmer.

Hikaru: Yeah, I'm good with that.

The two boys smiled at each other. The bell rang a few minutes later and the teacher walked in. Hikaru had difficulty paying attention as he couldn't stop thinking about Kaga.

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