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Thomas's P.O.V

The very next day I made my way to work,as I got to the main entrance the same man I see everyday said 'ID',ofcourse I pull out my ID card giving me access to the Asylum...Walking down the same hallway I pull my clipboard out of my bag and make my way to my office were Tord was waiting...Opening my door to my office I sit my bag down on my desk and unlock the other room were he was waiting...I open the door to suprisingly see he wasnt there.I patiently sit down on the foldable seat and wait,the room I had for them was white with a soft fabric on the floor,there was a soft couch for them to lie on so they could feel safe...I put some poster up to give a friendly vibe and infront of me sat a cheap plastic table were I sat pencils and paper for them...

All a sudden a huge amount of noices came from the hall,'RESTRAIN YOURSELF'I hear one of the guards shout and a taser was heard,then all a sudden the metal door was opened,a diffrent metal door not mine,the metal door opened to see 4 guards holding a man wearing a red tanktop and sweatpants...His eyes were a blood red and his hair was shaped as horns,he had a tattoo on his shoulder with a some sort of signal on it,they harshly sat him on the sofa and use the restraints to tie him down,'Behave or its the Hole for you'The guard growled at him,Tord spat in his face'GRR YOU LITTLE-''Thank you Sir...Il take it from here'I said cutting him off,'My sincere apologize'The guard said nicely to me then gave Tord a dangerous staire as he walked out wipping his face.

'Hello Tord'I smiled,he looked up to me and smiled showing his canines,'Hello'He smiled...His voice deep,'Im your Therapist...My names Is-''Your name is Rigewell...I know I was told so'Tord snarled,Okay...Um...'I like your tattoo'I smiled,'Does it represent anything?'I asked,'My gang'He smiled,'A gang?'I asked,'Yeah with my 2 HighSchool buds'He smirked,'Okay'I smiled writing it down...'So Ive been told you have quite the way to show your emotion...'I said,'Would you like to talk to me?It doesnt need to be about your feelings if your uncomfortable...Im not like them...Im your friend'I smiled,'You have no clue how many times people pulled that shit on me sweetheart~'He smirked,'Pardon me?'I said,'Look,you can drop the act...I know what you guys are trying to do'Tord growled,'Ive had 6 therapist...Your not special Honey~Your all against me'He growled looking away,'Who said I was against you?'I asked,'I can read people like books'He smiled evily.

'I understand you dont trust people and thats fine'I smiled,'What is said in this room...Stays in this room'I smiled,'So when did you start your little rebelion'I smiled,he looked down at his bruised and cut legs...'I guess it started when I was 15...'He sigh...

*Time Skip*

'And thats when I met my Partners in Crime'Tord smirked,all a sudden the clock in my office rang meaning it was there lunch time...'Im affraid thats all the time we have for today...Il see you tomorrow same time...'I smiled,as i got up I fixed my glasses on my eyes,'Hey'He smiled,'I looked down at Tord,'Thanks'He smiled,'Anytime'I smiled back,'Okay cmon you monster'The guards growled grabbing him emidiatly turning Tord into his hostile mode,Oh boy...I wal into my office and sit on my desk re-reading threw what he told me and checking the audio tape.

Tord's P.O.V

I was thrown in the cafeteria the guards keeping a closer eye on me...As i sat with Pat and Paul they asked me about the therapist,'How is the Therapist dude?'Paul asked,'Hes something alright~'I smirked...

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