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Tord's P.O.V

As i was carried to his office...I coudnt help but notice how fast my heart was beating...Why am I so nervous,my restrains felt heavier slowing me down,'Pick up the paste'Y/N growled hitting me with a bat,'Calm yourself Idiot'I growled,'Dont you disrespect me,Your nothing compared to me'Y/N growled picking me up by my next and strangling my next,'You understand me...Tord'Y/N growled as they threw me to the floor,'Loud and clear'Il kill you first!

As I got to the officer i was met with the same tall and breathtaking manWait breathtaking?!What the hell is wrong with you you cluts,he sits himself down...His eyes were black and he had stuble on his chin,he was toned and had alot of bracelets on his wrist...He looks dangerous...But is very nice,'Welcome Back Tord'He smiled as Y/N restrained me,'No no...Its not needed'Mr.Rigewell said writing it down,Y/N and I both look at him in shock,'You sure?'Y/N asked,'Did I studder?'He asked looking up at Y/N,'Sorry'Y/N said walking out,I look back at Mr.Rigewell in shock,'Why?'I asked,'I believe you wont try anything'He said pulling out his taser,'I wont'I said sitting back...

As he wrote afew things down I started taking in his aprearance...Why?I have no clue...I guess I had nothing else to look at?I dont know...'Were gonna try to find the core of your problem'Dr.Rigewell said sitting his clipboard down...'I have a question'I smiled,'What is it?'He asked,'Whats your name?Like real name?'I asked,'I shoudnt really tell you...But its Tom'He smiled,'Tom...Thats a cute name'I smirked,'Pfft as if'Tom blushed,I blushed aswell as he chuckled to himself writing something down,'Your bad'He laughed,'Hey thats why Im in here'I smirked,'Okay...Moving on'He said straigtening his face,'How would you describe your childhood?'He asked,'Normal yet Dreadful'I said,'Can you elaborate?'He asked,'Well my school was fine...I wasnt bullied...It was more my parents the probem,I didnt really have parents growing up...I was Independed...Self taught'I shrugged,'Why?'He asked,'They were either busy or drinking'I shrugged,'And how did it make you feel?'Thomas asked,'I dont know...Mad?'I shrugged...'Okay...Did you trust anyone when you were yougner?','Yeah in the wrong people'I huffed,'Which explains your problem with people'Thomas said writing in down.

Damn...Not only is he cute...Hes good wait!Cute!

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