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*1 Week Later*

Tord's P.O.V

How the hell did he not notice that his ID was removed from him?I did like normal,"flirted" with him and talked to him...And I must say...Our "Bond" has become even stronger...It went from a rope to a chain...Its more secure...More stronger,but a week from now we were gonna bust outta here...It wasnt gonna be super cool like in the movies...We were gonna keep on the down low...Use the ID and make our way to the helicopter on the top of the asylum...Why do they have a Helicopter?I have no clue but its there and were gonna use it...And since Pat haD expirience with piloting planes *cough cough* he crashed it *cough cough*,were gonna unfortunetly put our lives in his hands.

We were in our cell "Playing Cards",we were talking over the plan even thought it was lights out,they were able to get their part of the plan done which was use a phone we stole from the warden to call the helicopter supervisor to give "Y/N" access to the helicopter and to leave the keys in...Aparently this Matt dude was stupid enought to go with it and gave us access for next Friday...We need to wait 7 days until our little game can go into play...

Tom's P.O.V

I was eating noodles is my aparement room looking around at the dull decorations...My flask sitting beside me...I snatch it and take a gulp,I feel like everything is so dark...Like life is a play and we all need to stay in line and say the exact same words all the time...Dont break character...Pretend...Pretend that your happy,I take another gulp...Like everything around me has lost color...Everything is either black,grey or white...Everyone is alwaise playing by the rules...Nothing exiting ever happens in life,I take yet another gulp and emidiatly pass out due to exhaustion.

*Time Skip*

I wake up my eyes stained in tears my flask empty sitting on the floor,looking around I see my clock to see I have around 5 hours to kill...I curl up in a ball on the floor and start to cry...

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