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Tom's P.O.V

I swallow hard...'O-oh...'I blush,the room becomes quiet...Tord's eyes widen in pure fear...I start laughing blushing,'Im gonna get fired for this'I laughed blushing,'What?'He asked,I grabbed him by his sleeves and kissed him,we kiss for afew seconds and after I pull away,my eyes widen as my face drowned in red,'I-Im sorry I just-'No no...It was...kind of nice'Tord blushed looking away,'Oh my god...My job...My career'I blushed.'My reputation'I laughed nervously,'I just threw it all into the trash'I laughed nervously,'Not if we keep this a secret'Tord smiled.

Am I really gonna do this?Am I REALLY gonna do this?Yes...Yes I am arent I?I look at Tord to see he didnt seem concerned,'Im really gonna do this'I blushed hidding my head in my knees.'Look if we keep this on the downlow...Maybe this...This could work'Tord said unsure,'You did say you wanted something diffrent in your life'Tord laughed.'I guess but this...This is alot to work with'I said nervously,'Just act like its nothing and we can figure something out'Tord said,'Sure...'I answered.

*Time Skip*

Tord's P.O.V

This was almost too easy...A classic Confession and A Kiss was all it took...I cant help but be happy...But for what?That il be able to execute my plan with him under my control...Or that hes basicaly my boyfriend?

I made my way towards the Cafeteria sitting beside my 2 lovely partners in crime,'So what happened?'Paul asked eating,'I got Tom in my control'I smirked cracking my knuckles,'What do you mean?'Pat asked,'Lets just say...Tom and I are now a thing'I smirked,'No'Paul smiled,'You went for it?'He asked,'You bet I did'I smirked,'Congratz'They both smiled,'But its a down low relationship,keep it a secret okay?'I asked,'We dont talk to any of the prisoners here...Who are we gonna gossip to?'Pat laughed,'True...I just cant tell if im happy...I mean I am...But about what?About that were in a relationship or that were soon gonna be free?'...

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