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Tord's P.O.V

I walk into his office to see he seemed rather distracted...Okay I need to move forward with the plan...I need to get some information from him...'Welcome back Tord'He smiled,'So what do you want to do today?'Tom asked,'I want to get to know you a little more'I smirked...Tom's face lit up as he chuckled,'What do you want to know?'He smirked,'I was actualy wondering...Why does everyone respect you...They all treat us like garbage'I stated,'Well...I know the Warden on a personal level...We now eachother since HighSchool and cause you guys are prisoners'He smiled,'Thats sweet',I think I might have a plan...

*Time Skip*

'Okay...Thats all the time we have...You are free to go'He smiled,'Thanks Dr.Rigewell'I smiled,I walked to the cafeteria meetin Pat and Paul,'Anything?'Pat asked,'I think I got a plan'I smirked,'Well Tom told me he knows the Warden personaly...Maybe we can use this against him'I smirked,'But dont you have a crush on him?'Pat said,'A crush?If a crush is someone your gonna destroy then I guess?'I said confused,'No...A crush is when you like someone,youve never had a crush?'Paul asked,'They were Loveless Relaionships?'Pat asked,'I guess?I never liked someone and I dont like Tom...Hes only gonna slow us down'I blushed,'Hes slowin you down thats for sure'Paul smirked,'Shut up'I huffed,'Look whenever hes around you talk to him...You flirt with him and you see him everyday...Your showin signs'Pat stated,'Flirt?'I asked,'Oh my god are you seriously that Thick?'Paul growled,'I mean...Sure I have hips but I-''I Mean your Skull...You dont understand certain concepts...All you ever knew was how to hurt people...'Paul huffed,'This is the first time you truly like...No...LOVE someone...You seriously gonna throw it all away?!'Paul growled.

'This is rediculous Im not gonna do this...Im sticking with my plan doesnt matter if it hurts Tom or not...Im not staying in Jail forever'I huffed walking away...Do I have a Crush on him?

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