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Tord's P.O.V

I discussed the blank plan to Paul and Pat...But for this to work I need access to Tom's very personal and poweful item...His ID card...Which means I need to take something from him and get them to put it on the other side of his office so I can grab the ID card in his jacket...But to even grab something to do that...I need to take something like his glasses or such not...

*Time Skip*

I was back in his office,'Hey'I smiled,'Hello'He smiled back,the door was closed...'So how have you been?'Tom said feeling akward,'Im doing very well...Because im here with you'I smirked leaning closer sittin my hand beside his leg trying to get my hand into his coat pocket,nervously he backed up red as a tomatoe,'Your very close~'He said calming down and smirking,'Is there a problem with that~'I smirked putting my hand into his coat pocket,'Not really'He smiled,I grab ahold of something,I plant a gentle kiss on his cheek and pull away,he chuckled nervously,god is he beautiful-What TORD FOCUS!'So lets start'Tom said pulling his clipboard up,I refused to look at what I had incase he would see and take it...

*Time Skip*

Once I was at lunch I pull the item out to see I had gotten his glasses case,'What is that?'Paul ased,'Tom's glasses case...Were a slep closer of getting outta here boys!'I cheered,'Keep it down!'A guard growled.I lower my voice and explain,'Okay now the rest of the plan is simple'I stated...And I go off explaining there jobs,'From this day...In 2 weeks were outta here'I smirked,'Yes'They both whisper cheered.

We went outside to once again see Tom 'Il go ahead and do my part hold on men~'I smirked walking over to him,I sat down beside the tall man,'Hey'I smiled,'Hey...Oh uh did you see my glasses case I cant find them'Tom asked,my eyes widen,'Ive never seen it'I lied,'Oh...Thanks'Tom smiled weakly,'So Tom'I smiled,'Im really glad your my "Friend"'I smiled,'Anytime Tord'Tom smiled reading a book,'Whatcha reading?'I asked,'Just some Sci-Fi story'Tom shrugged,'Whats it about?'I asked,'Just some dudes who find there future selfs in a creepy alley way and oen of them is trying to kill their present self...Just some Time Traveling thing'Tom shrugged,'That sounds cool'I smiled,'Really?'Tom asked smiling,'I like to read'I stated,'What kind of things you like to read?'Tom asked putting his book down,'Manga,Murder Mystery,Sci-fi...Horror'I stated,'Thats wonderful'Tom smiled,'You can actualy find this book in the librairy'Tom smiled getting up,'Look I need to leave but Il see you later'He smiled getting up,emidiatly I saw his card poking from his pocket,I quickly take it,'Oh Tom'I stated,'I actualy had your Glasses case,I was joking but Il give em back to you'I said tossing them to him,'Oh Tord'Tom huffed smiling taking them back,'Il see you later'He smiled walking away,I make my way towards the guys...'I have the ID!'

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