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*A week Later*

Thomas's P.O.V

I saw Tord everyday for a whole week and I must say...Ive grown fawn of him...Hes still a little closed of but...Hes nice with me...I actualy start looking forward seeing him...I did the same routine as usual ID and everything...I made my way to my office smiling...I was actualy suprised of how effective my work was on him...He seems alot calmer...Even around the guards...I drop my bag off and wait in my seat...All a sudden they dropped him off still restraining him...But this time they were as tight...He was able to move his arms...'Welcome Back'I smiled,'Hello Thomas'He smirked as he leaned back showing he was alot more relaxed,'Were gonna try something diffrent today okay?'I asked,'Go ahead...Im all ears~'He smirked,'Well...Heres some pencils and Paper...Draw me who are your 3 favorite people and your 3 least favorite in your life'I said writing down my expiriment,'Okay'He smirked,I handed him the paper and pencils and patiently waited...

I watched him ask he sketched and drew...Afew minutes later he hands me the drawing to see he had drew 2 of the Prisoners here which were Pat and Paul and...Me?I look up at him as he smirked,I try to ignore the question,I look to see he threw the guards that he hated which were clearly no one else but the 3 main guards here Y/N,Connor & Devin,'You draw really well...'I smiled,'Its a talent of mine'He smirked,'Can you explain why you drew Pat and Paul?'I asked,'There...Old friends of mine...'He said very bluntly,Probably his HighSchool Buds...I wrote there names down,'And why did you draw me?'I asked,'Cause your so nice to me...I was wrong about you'He smirked,'Wow...Uh thank you'I smiled my cheeks painted a light pink.

'Lisen...Can you come closer...I dont want your audio tapes to hear this'He whispered,I leaned in closer my hand in my pocket holding my taser incase he was gonna do something,'Im not like everyone...Im twisted up inside...No one understands me...Everyone is scared of the unknown...Everyone is scared of what they dont understand...Everyone is scared...Of me'...

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