Ch.21 Pt-1

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Tord's P.O.V

Tonights the night were busting outta this dumpster...Become free criminal to roam the streets!Unfortunetly I wont be able to have Thomas by my side-NO snap outta it we gotta stay focus...Thomas had indeed taken a break today and wasnt seen which made me a little sad knowing I wont be able to tell him my goodbyes...It was almost time to have our last meals...As we sat together we played cool and stayed out of harms way...You could clearly see Pat and Paul were nervous but didnt say a word...'GET TO YOUR CELLS YOU WORTHLESS PIECES OF TRASH!'Guard Y/N growled,we dumped our oatmeal into the trash and made our way towards the cells...As they pushed us into the cell Y/N was about to slam the door shut until I threw Thomas's card perfectly inbetween the door to stop the lock from locking the door,my aim is amazing if I do say so myself,we waited and played cards doing nothing out of the ordinairy until they told us it was lights out..."Going to bed" I sat in my bed and waiting for the clock to tick...2 Hours until show time...

Tom's P.O.V

I looked around my room to see I had left my book at work...AUGH...'Now I have to go get it...AUGH'I groaned taking my car keys and my jacket...Stepping foot outside my house I was ready to go get my stupid book to keep me entertained...

Tord's P.O.V

The lock struck Midnight and we emodiatly got up quietly opening the door we checked to see a guard sitting by the door to the cafeteria,the guard was going from one wall to another probably keeping and eye on bkth corridors but mostly keeping and eye on the one infront of him which wasnt ours,when he dispareared into the hall way we scurried over to the stairs.

We were cautious of every flight of stairs we took...Before we could grt to the helicopter he had to gain acces to the keys which are in the main camera room...As we pocked threw the door there were no guards so we slipped on threw towards the door to the main camera room since it was Id cards that could grant you acces I swiped Tom's card in and we were in.

Rummaging around I found afew tasers and just extra guard equipement...Finding a pair of keys to the A3 (Helicopters are numbered) I tossed afew guns to the guys...As we were about to leave Pat tapped my shoulder 'We left our beds and the door open anyone could realize were gone!'Pat stated,'So?'I shrugged 'If they realize that the 3 most wanted criminals are attempting to escape,theyll fill the place!'Pat said in a worried tone,Shit,we left and made our way back downstairs towards our room since we had to go back and stuff our pillows and close the door to make it look like we were still there..As we went back down,still cautious,I turned the corner inpulsivly and bumped into someone...


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