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Thomas's P.O.V

I walk into Edd's office,'Sir I need to talk to you'I said nervously,'What is it?'He asked,'I believe we have Tord all wrong'I said,'What?'He asked,'Hes so kind...Gentle...Fragile...'I said nervously,'No no no!I knew this would happen!'Edd said slamming his fist on the table,'Tord is a Manipulator!A Mind Controling Freak!A Super Inteligent man able to control someone Emotionaly and Physicaly...Tom your playing with fire talking to him'Edd said nervously,'Im so sorry sir...I wont let it happen again'I said nervously,he fixes his pose and turns to his board writing calculations down.'I trust that your now aware of the problem's that yougn man can cause'Edd stated,'Y-yes sir'I said nervously...'Good...May I have the audio tapes please'Edd said,'Okay...Let me just go get them'I said walking out.

As I pass by the cafeteria I see guys crowding around someone,emidiatly I slam the doors open and march over to them to see Tord was being hit in the corner,emidiatly I ran up to them and used my taser making them drop,Tord looked up at me and dusted himself off,'Thanks'He huffed looking up at me,'Just keep yourself out of trouble'I said seriously,I turn to the guards,'Guys!I want you guys to stop any fights there are here,Do it make myself clear?!'I growled,'Yes Dr.Rigewell'The said straightening there positions,'Good...I trust you will lisen to what I say,have a nice day gentlemen...'I said walking out.

Tord's P.O.V

'Your lucky shortass'Eduardo growled,'I am lucky'I smirked,'I might not be strong when it comes to fighting...But Im strong in other ways Eduardo'I smirked flicking his nose,'I would lisen to him...Hes powerful'Some other prisoner stampered nervously,'I dont care what this gremlin says'He growled rolling his green sleeves up,'OW Guards help'I cried throwing myself to the floor,'I didnt even touch you?!'He growled,'Your coming with us'The guards said taking Eduardo away 'TOOOORD!'He growled as they took him away,Mark and the others looked at me nervously,'I warned him...'I smirked walking away smirking.

*Time Skip*

We were outside,I was chilling with Pat and Paul in the corner of the yard,'So what were you yapin about?'Paul huffed,'Shh...I have a way we can get out'I smirked,'How?'Pat asked,'I have Dr.Rigewell at my fingertips'I smirked,'Ive been seeing him since hes assigned as my therapist...If I make him trust me...I can use him like a get out of jail card...Hes very respected around here,hes like the Kind of this Psycho House'I smirked,'Im not sure you should do something like that,if we do something like that again...Its a whole week in the Hole...'Pat said nervously...'Hmm...Look im just putting it bluntly...When its time Il have it figured out'I smirked.

*The Very Next day*

It was time again...Going to see Thomas again...Now to be what I am...A Horrible Person >:3

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