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Tord's P.O.V

I sat next to Tom since it was lunch time and all the prisoners were alowed outside.While Tom read his Sci-Fi book I threw pebbles at the huge wall that closes us in like zoo animals.

For some odd reason...I havent noticed till now...But Tom alwaise carries some sort of flask with him...I lied on the ground my legs kicked up against the wall beside Tom's head as he intensly read his book not saying a word...I deside to break the akward silence 'Sooo...Hows your day going?'I asked,without looking away from his book he responded 'My day is doing very well...You?'He askes,'Could be better'I huffed.It felt weird without Tom smiling...As if the world was dark and creepy without him to brighten it up...'Tommy look at me'I smirked grabbing his chin gently and making him face me,to my suprise not a single trace of happiness lied in his eyes,'Are you okay?'I asked,emidiatly not even by a flick of a switch he cheered up and chuckled 'Im fine Sweetheart',my face flushed yet I coudnt help but sigh.

All a sudden he then reached for his flask and took a huge gulp from it emidiatly looking down at me and putting his book down...Since when does he drink?I deside to leave it be for now and just enjoy his company-'Do you ever feel lost...Tord'He asked,I jerk my head towards him,'What do you mean?'I asked,'Alwaise stuck in the same routine over and over...Unable to escape the cicle?'He added,'Tom are you okay?'I asked,he takes another sip,'Im perfectly fine...Im asking you'He said fixing his glasses.'And Im asking you!Are you okay?'I asked sitting up and looking at him a worry expession sitting on my face,'Mr.Clain...Your my client my health shoudnt be your concern'He said sternly,'As a client your right but as someone who cares for you!I have every right to ask!'I snapped,'Look it doesnt matter Im fine'He huffed leaning back on the wall.'Tom...Is there something going on'I asked as I grabbed his hand,you could see in his eyes something was bothering him...I cant help but feel...Bad...I thought this was a silly crush that would brush over but this...This goes deep...This is more than some temporary feeling...This is permanent...Is this...Is this L-Love? 'Im just tired Tord'He said leaning foward and grabbing ahold of his knees,'I want change in my life...I want something new...Something thrilling and exiting!'He said looking at me.

*Night Time*

'LIGHTS OUT PAUL!'The guard growled at Paul as he refused to turn off his reading light,'No...I wanna read'He said in a snob tone,I huffed as they started to argue,as much as the noise was annoying...I coudnt help but think about Tom...'I want something new...'.

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