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Tord's P.O.V

We were talking until Eduardo came running,'Oh so thats your little Therapist,what a sucky job,Imma kick your ass for a poor life desision'Eduardo growled going to grab Tom'PISS OFF TH*T!'I growled as I pushed Eduardo back giving Tom enought time to get up,'What the hell did you just tell me?!'Eduardo growled,'I said to piss off!'I growled looking up at him,I swing my fist hitting him in the jaw making him pull back,'Oh your so gonna pay for that!'Eduardo growled grabbing my wrist and picking me off the ground,I start kicking hitting him in the guts'You little-''GUARDS!'Tom shouted,all a sudden the guards crowded around us and took both of us,'No...Just Mr.Eduardo'Tom huffed,'Attacking A prisoner unprovected and threatening me!5 hours in the hole'Tom growled.

I looked at him with hope as they took Eduardo away,'Some of them are just bad'Tom huffed,'Are you okay?'Thomas asked me as he rested his hand on my shoulder,'Dont worry about me...How bout you sweetheart~'I smirked,'Im fine'He chuckled smiling down at me.'You know for a small guy you do have quite the bravery'Tom smiled,'Pfft...You havent seen much...You have no clue what Ive done'I smirked,'I bet I havent'He smiled,all a sudden everyone was forced out of the cafeteria to the yard,what happens is if you finish early you can go out but at a certain time lunch is over and you go outside...I dont have a problem with that I like it out here...

We sit down and have a small talk for a while until we were all told to go into our cells...'I gotta blast,Il see you tomorrow'I smiled,'Il be looking foward to it'He smiled throwing his apple core in the trash and picking up his book,'Inside Lasson'The guard said,'Im goin Im goin'I groaned walking inside.

*Time Skip*

I was sitting on my bed...I had 2 more roomates which were Pat and Paul...The other guy was removed he had such bad reputation he was switched to the more guarded cells...I might be most wanted but im not too dangerous...No im not gonna lie I am SUUUPER dangerous...Its just I havent gave the guards trouble...You stay out of trouble you stay safe.I was playing some board games with Pat and Paul due to being bored which that board game was UNO,'Your turn Paul'Pat smiled,'UNO LOSERS!'Paul smirked,that wasnt fair,Paul puts all his cards behind his hand in the same angle his hands is in so we cant see his cards or he sits them on his lap so no one can check how many he has,'Your a cheater'Pat pouted,'Check the rules!Im not cheating!'He smirked,Pat dropped a card,I did to,'Aaaaaand I win'He smirked putting down his last card,'Congratz'I smiled,'Thank you gentlemen'Paul smiled taking a bow,all a sudden the sound of out cell door was hear,the sound of the metal sliding caught our attention,'Is there a problem?'I asked,'Theres no problem were here to tell you that your doctor wants to see you for some test again'Y/N said,'Augh again'I groaned,'Sorry but they wanna try something'Y/N said,'Well bye guys'I huffed walking out.

*Time Skip*

'IM NOT INSANE YOU ARE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!'I laughed as the guards escorted me back holding my arms,'Wanna hear a secret!'I giggled,'Your all gonna die'I laughed like an insane person,'Leave him be its the medication'One of the guards huffed,'Everyone is gonna die...Il have all the control of the world...Il have you guys on your knees begging for you worthless lives'I giggled...'Were gonna keep the cuffs on him for now'They said throwing me in,'What did they do to him?'Pat asked,'Were not allowed to speak of it...Once the side effects wear off hell explain it to you...But for now just act normal'They said closing the door,'Your scaredof the unknown'I laughed running up to the metal bars and grabbing them,'Your scared of people like me...People with the brain the size of a house...People with more than one personality...People who arent like the others!'I laughed my eye twitching a huge smile on my face...

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