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Tord's P.O.V

Tom played me like a toy...Not bad...I was sitting in the cafeteria thinking about Tom's strong arm-POWER!Power around the place...How everyone bows down to a single Therapist...Why?I look to my side to see Eduardo was finaly out of the hole,'Welcome back'I laughed,'Im gonna kill you'He growled,yeah...The hole isnt something you wanna go in,its like a dark and scary room the walls were so dark it gave you the effect that the walls were closing in...Its aparently a good way to keep the prisoners in line...I think its stupid...They usualy keep us in there for 1 to 2 hours but like I said...Its stupid...Its like it makes the person even more insane!Anyway,all a sudden I hear something hit the table infront of me...I see it was Paul,'How was your little session'Paul asked,'I was controled...He played me...He made me spill something!'I growled,'Thats what a therapist does...They make you drop things you dont realize...Its there specialty'Paul said eating his oatmeal,'But it was so weird...I didnt even realize'I growled fustrated,'Your screwed up Tord...You arent in touch with your own emotions,thats why your not stable','I AM STABLE!'I said my eye twitching,'Sure you are buddy,sure you are...'Paul said sarcasticly patting my shoulder.

Pat came running in,'Sorry I over slept'Pat said,'Its lunch time,how the hell do you oversleep?!'Paul asked,'Shut it im a deep sleeper'He huffed,'Are they still serving?'Pat asked,'No...Youll get to eat tonight'I stated,'Here take some of my lunch Im not too hungry'Paul said passing him half of his food,'Thanks'He smiled,'Ooooh~'I smirked,'Shut the hell up'Paul growled,'Fine'I huffed the fun ending way to soon,all a sudden Tom comes walking in across the cafeteria to the yard,we all watch as he passed by...Not a single prisoner came towards him...They just staired,'Tord'Pat's voice sung,I look over at him to see he was making kissing noises,'Your an Idiot'I growled,'Karma is a B*tch'Paul smirked,'Whatever...'I said rolling my eyes,'Lets just go outside'I said getting up,'Why?So you can go check out Dr.Rigewell~'Paul smirked,'Dont be rediculous were not allowed to eat outside'I huffed,'We arent...They are'Pat smirked.

I rolled my eyes and walked outside to see Tom sitting in the corner reading a book eating an apple,all the bullies werent even bothering him...I take my chance and wal over to him,'Hello again Tord'He smirked fixing his glasses on his nose 'Hey'I said sitting down my legs crossed and my back leaning against the wall,'Why dont any of the prisoners bother a man like you'I said acting slick,'I told you already'He smiled closing his book,'Im not like the others...Im your friend'...

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