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*Very Next Day*

Thomas's P.O.V

I did the same routine again ID blah blah blah...Walking into my office I put my bag down and wait for Tord...All a sudden the door opened and Tord sat down,'Welcome back'I smiled,'Good to see you again'Tord smiled,'You wanna go have this class outside?'I asked,'I would love to'Tord smiled,I got up and grabbed his arm hooking it with mine so he woudnt run.

Tord's P.O.V

As we walked in the hall I felt my face heat up...Whats this feeling?It feels weird...Whatever...'You okay?'Tom asked looking down at me,'I uh-Im fine'I said,WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!We walked to the cafeteria and outside...We sat down in the dirt in the same spot as yesterday,Tom pulled out a key and removed my cuffs,'Better?'He asked,'Much better'I said grabbing my wrist and rubbing them,'So I was wondering...Maybe we should dig a little deeper...'He stated,'And I want you to open up a little more...Which is why I brought us outside...Sure there are cameras but there only on at lunch,That's good to know...

*Time Skip*

'Thats all we have for today'Tom smiled,'Il see you tomorro-''Wait...'I said nervously,'Hmm?'Tom asked,'I-I was wondering if maybe I can have lunch with you-You dont have to if you dont want to'I blushed,Tom chuckled,'Sounds great...Il go and get my lunch'He smiled getting up and walking leaving me there...I sit there nervously thinking,wow this is what its like being here by yourself,I get up and make my way towards the lunch getting my meal first and going back outside waiting for Tom.

Not long later he came back with a sandwitch and an apple,we both sit down and start to chat...

*Time Skip*

Tom's P.O.V

I was getting in my car leaving the asylum...Tord is seriously something else...

UnHealthy...(TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now