Ch.22 Pt-2

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Tord's P.O.V

I looked up to see Thomas emodiatly my eyes widen in pure fear,'What the hell are you doing?!'Tom shouted grabbing my wrist,Pat and Paul drew there guns...'Why are you out of your cell at this hour?!'He asked again.'Thomas...Let go'I growled,his grip got tighter,'I knew you were using me...The warden was right you are such a manipulator...'He said his eyes filling with tears...My heart dropped,Thomas sniffled holding many tears back and pulled out some cuffs,'Im taking you to the Warden's office...All 3 of you...The warden will deside of your punishement!'Thomas growled about to snap the handcuffs on me until I pushed him back making him hit the brick wall behind him...I stood frozen in position unable to move...Pat and Paul grabbed each my arms and dragged me up the stairs...While we were going up some flights I saw guard Y/N,we held our breaths as they made their was down the stairs towards were we were...As they turned the corner they gasped and pulled out a walkie-talkie 'THIS IS GUARD Y/N ON SHIFT 4...3 PRISONERS ARE-'Smack!Pat punched the guard across the face they were taken aback and emidiatly pulled out a taser,Pat pulled the gun up and shot them in the leg...A loud sound singing threw the stairs...The guard Y/N groaned in pain as they held there leg,'Wasnt much of a fight but oh well'Pat shrugges blowing the steam off the gun's tip,Pat walked over the body and made his way up the stairs...We had to get to the helicopter...As we ran up the stairs the alarms went off and emidiatly everything was put into lockdown,I held on to the handle off the door and tried pulling it open...It woudnt budge we ran up another level but the door was locked too...We tried several doors until we came to a conclusion...We were stuck it the stairs...

(Suprise!!!Theres more than 2 parts!!!)

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