An eye for an eye (Evil Deku x reader)

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Quirk: Blue ring octopus. Your skin has blue rings all over, as well as your tentacle like hair. You can deliver a small amount of poison from your breathe, As well as use your tentacles, that act as your hair, to maneuver around objects, and stick to any surface. (Not great at making up quirk ideas, hopefully I can get better)

It had been a couple months since you last seen Midoriya. Since he stopped showing up for school and since he stopped replying to your messages. The class felt quite empty without the green-haired, freckled boy around. You missed his nervous stuttering voice. The bell rang and you packed your stuff and walked out of class.

Looking down you walked down the hall. "Oi, Octopus" You heard from behind you. You turn around looking for the source of the voice knowing who it was, there was only one person who called you that. "Bakugo.. what an honor to bless me with your presence." You sighed sarcastically with a sly smirk "don't give me that shit octopus, you have been acting different since Deku hasn't been here. I know your worried about him. Stop. You ain't his mom!" Bakugo snapped which stung your ears.

"I can worry about my friends Bakugo! Just because your an ass who doesn't care for others, doesn't mean everyone else has to be!" You bark back. He sighs "I want to be the one on your m-" Bakugo couldn't finish his statement, because he was struck by the sight he saw behind you. Confused, you give him an odd look with furrowed brows, before you could turn around you feel someone's hand over your mouth to stop you from yelling out, and the hand pulled you close to their body to feel a male figure with their chest on your back. Bakugo raises his hands as small explosions start to erupt from them, with his signature eat shit look.. then the explosions stop, knowing your in the way. He didn't want to hurt the girl he loved so he pointed his palms to the floor to fly over head and get behind the man holding you close but before Bakugo could do much to reach behind and blow out the mans back, the man stepped back with you in his arms into a warp gate disappearing from Bakugo's sight.

You were now in a dark room with dim light. Your eyes still adjusting to the darkness of the room the man let go of your mouth. "Who do you think you are!" You snapped, turning about trying to find a silhouette in the dark room. A soft laugh emits from behind you. "I want you to be mine, all mine." He said. You started lashing your tentacles around chaotic manner trying to hit the man. "Aww and I thought you were going to be friendly (Y/N) seeing that you've missed me so much." Your eyes widened "D-Deku?" You said hesitantly "We have a winner" Deku hissed between his teeth. You start to cry as you realize that Deku has changed since you last were around him. There was a difference in his presence. You covered your mouth with your tentacles hoping to not let him find you in the dark room as you tried to think of what to do. Suddenly you became very dizzy and fell towards the ground as Midoriya sprayed a chemical near your face. Midoriya caught you in his arms, holding you he said "Your mine now." He stretches his tongue out tracing it from your chin to your mouth. "He almost had you, Bakugo spent so many years torturing me, now he is being tortured since he had you right in front of him but could not save you, the girl he loved" he smirked "an eye for an eye, eh" Deku grinned as he tied you up in the room and kissed your lips waking you....

A/N: this probably sucks. Very lack-Luster. However I'm in love with the Evil Deku at the moment so I decided to give it a try. Thanks for reading all the way through it though since you made it here! Cheers!

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