The park (Koda x Reader)

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•(Y/N)'s POV•
I slowly open my eyes, the sun beams shining through the gaps in the trees branches caused me to smile as the warmth hit my face. I love relaxing at the park.

I notice there is a chipmunk near by, I grin and I place my hand on the ground palm facing up hoping that it would climb on my hand to let me pet him

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I notice there is a chipmunk near by, I grin and I place my hand on the ground palm facing up hoping that it would climb on my hand to let me pet him. I didn't expect him to really hop on my hand but A girl can dream, right?

I scared the chipmunk off causing a squeak to escape my lips. I saw the chipmunk run off behind a tree. I sighed and plopped back on the bench with a slight smirk on my face just thinking about how close the chipmunk was to me.

I started to think about what that chipmunk may get up to today. I sat there pondering what the munchkin does daily around the park.

'Squeak' I hear as a light weight jumps on my lap. Confused and suddenly snapped out of my thoughts I look down to see the chipmunk on my lap.

•Koda's POV•

"(Y/N) is so cute the way she smiles" I say as I watch her face overcome with delight as she notices the small animal on her lap. I'm so glad I could make her smile even if she didn't know I did that for her.

I see her here quite often trying to enjoy her day and interact with the wildlife around but she never has any luck of course.

I adore how gentle she is with them never forcing herself onto them she simply just reaches her hand out for them to make the choice if they want to interact with her.

A light pink dusts across my face as I sit behind the tree staring over at her. She has started to sing for the chipmunk. Oh how I wish I could hear her soft tune from here.

 Oh how I wish I could hear her soft tune from here

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•(Y/N)'s POV•

"Now if you wouldn't mind Mr.chipmunk, I've sat here with you for an hour now and I should get going." To my surprise the chipmunk jumped off my lap like he understood me. 'Odd' I thought to myself.

I started to walk out of the park when someone caught my eye. It's a classmate of mine. I gesture a wave at Kōda as I walked out of the park. He quickly looked away from me which made a frown overcome my face. 'I guess he could never notice me, or even return my feelings' I sighed as I dropped my head in disappointment.

•Koda's POV•

Oh my goodness she looked over at me and waved. I'm such an idiot for not waving back. Ugh she could never return my feelings for her though.

>Time skip<
•(Y/N)'s POV•

I walk into the park looking around to see if I can find Kōda around today. We both come to the park quite often. I would like to talk to him more and hopefully tell him how I feel about him.

I sat on the same bench that I did two days ago. I notice an abundance of animals by a tree. The same tree the chipmunk two days ago ran to. Must be an important tree. I stand up to walk to the tree. I reached the tree and I look around it to notice Kōda sitting there talking with them and relaxing. Hm so the tree isn't so special is is he person behind the tree that is special. I grin

"D-do you mind if I join you?" I said hoping he would let me sit with him and all the cuties. "(Y-Y-Y/N).. you s-scared me. Y-yeah you can join us.." he gestured for me to sit near them. He was so cute when he became nervous. I really didn't mean to scare him though.

"Your quirk is so amazing Kōda. I wish I had a quirk like yours. I love animals so much it must be so amazing to interact with them daily." I said hoping not to seem like I talk too much.

"Y-you really think so? I really do enjoy spending time with them," Kōda stutters.

"Of course! That is so awesome! I'm jealous" I whined

We both sat there for hours talking and spent several weeks doing the same whenever we saw each other at the park growing closer with each talk. My feelings for Kōda just grew even more but I became worried that since we are now good friends I don't want to say anything to hurt our friendship and make it awkward.

>Time skip again<

I am walking home from school when I feel a light weight on my shoulder accompanied by a 'chirp chirp' it's a cute little blue jay with a piece of paper hanging from it's beak. I take the paper and thank the sweetie.

He flys away as I open up the paper that he gave me.

Meet me at the park tomorrow after school.

It didn't say who it was from but I had a good idea who. Which make a tint of red cover my face thinking about the sweet, quiet boy I had a crush on.

>Time skip<

The school day passed by with me and Kōda exchanging looks every now and again. The school bell rings and now school has come to a close today.

I arrive at the park spotting no one besides kids and their moms at the playground nearby. I stand there for a while as I take in the scenery around me. The way the trees swayed with the wind and the smell of the air just put me at ease.

'Squeak' I look down to see my chipmunk friend. He has a rose in his mouth. I lean down to take the rose from him and as I do he runs off. A small smile took over my lips.

'Chirp' I look up to see the blue jay flying close to me. I put my hand out for him to land. He handed me a piece of paper. He flew away which freed my hand to open the paper.

A rose for you, sorry it's not two
Thank you for accepting me
can I change just me to we.
(I'm not great at poems)

A huge smile spread across my face as well as a small giggle as I realized Kōda was standing there looking at me. He looked so cute standing there with his whole face colored red.

"I really like you too... Kōji" I confess as I wrap my arms around his neck and lightly press a kiss to his cheek. Seeing the red on his face deepened and he buried his face into my shoulder.

———————————————————————A\N~ chuuu~ Kōda deserves love he is a soft character that just deserves the world

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A\N~ chuuu~ Kōda deserves love he is a soft character that just deserves the world. *cough a lot of the characters in BNHA do actually cough* not my best one but Still cute.

Do the gifs bother anyone? I'm a visual person so adding them or seeing them in a one shot myself just adds that much more to it because I get a picture of what the author intended and saw it as or just something similar to what they envisioned.

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