Triangular smile (Sero x Reader)

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It was your first day at UA. You were beyond excited that you got accepted. It was the night before you started, you sat there wondering what tomorrow will be like.

You sit there thinking about tomorrow and what pro heroes will be working as the faculty, what quirks the kids will have in your class....yet so quickly you doze of in the middle of your thoughts.

<First day>

You enter the gates of UA with a smile on your face. You stood there for a second to take in your surrounding when suddenly your bumped into and knocked down on the ground.

Your stuff falls out of your bag onto the ground. You quickly start shoving your stuff into your bag hoping your lucky all might plush didn't fall out for anyone to see.

"Sorry about that, here this also fell out." A voice said as you turned to the voice. You noticed your all might plush in his hand reached out to you.

Your face is overcome with red. "T-thanks!" You yell with a stutter as you snatch it out of his hands quickly. He chuckled at your actions knowing you must be a bit embarrassed.

"All might is one of my favorite heroes too, so I really like your plush." The boy said as he shot a big triangular looking smile your way (an upside down kind of triangle). You looked at him with a gleam in your eyes. He didn't make fun of you for having it he liked it. A small smile took over your lips.

He held his hand out to you to help you up, you place your hand in his accepting his kind gesture of help. He then helped you onto your feet. "You are not hurt are you?" The boy says.

"N-no, I'm okay. Are you okay.... uhh?" You say hoping to get the boys name.

"Sero, Hanata, and who might this pretty All might fan be?" He says confidently. "(L/N), (F/N), it is nice to meet you. I hope to see you around" you almost whispered that last part.

He returned the words and walked away from you with a wave. Your face still overcome with a red tint. You walk towards the building.

<small time skip>

You arrive at the door to your classroom and look up at the huge door. "Wow, I must seem like an ant" you say quite loud for anyone to hear.

You took a deep breathe and as you reached for the door you hear your name "(F/N) hey! Are you in this class too?" A familiar voice yells as he walks towards you.

'It's Sero!' You think to yourself not noticing a smile appeared on your face. "I'm glad your happy to see me." The boy says with a chuckle.

You open the door. "After you" You say gesturing for Sero to enter. "Oh thank you My prince" he playfully teases.

"You are welcome m'lady." You reply with a deepens voice to imitate a male.

You found your seat in the classroom and sat down and to your surprise Sero sat in the seat next to you. You sent a smile his way and he returned the smile with that oh so cute triangular one.

>Time skip<

You an Sero had a close bond together. You would tease each other a lot and you both were very comfortable with each other. With half the school year spent together you both had realized your feelings for one another but neither had confessed those feelings yet.

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