The storm (Kaminari x Reader)

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It's been a year now that (Y/N) and Kaminari have been together. They still learn and grow together each day in the relationship.

"Kaminari-kun where is (Y/N)?" Asked Tsuyu.

"She decided to take a nap before we all go out tonight" Kaminari replied with a slight grin.

"Oh it would have been great to have her here. Her personality always lightens the atmosphere." Tsuyu sighs.

Kaminari glanced over out of the window to look at the hotel that the class was staying at for this trip, a frown crept across his face, he wanted (Y/N) with them. Her clinging to his arm as she shot a debonair smile at him.

"Kaminari!" The other members of the bakusquad all yelled in unison to grab the attention of the spunky pika.

Kaminari walks over to the Bakusquad members as he notices Bakugo ranting about something.

Bakugo stopped yelling at the sound of the thunder rumbling.

"It's about to storm soon. It should stop by the time we are supposed to leave." Aizawa said spooking the students as he said quite calmly but they didn't realize Aizawa was so closed to them. They didn't notice because he was in his yellow sleeping bag on the ground next to where the Bakusquad was standing. Other students were around to hear though.

"A storm huh? Kero.." Tsuyu said.
"Did anyone bring an umbrella" Kaminari asked looking around.

"We are on a trip idiot who thought to bring umbrellas?" Bakugo spat

"Bakugo don't be so rude" Kirishima scolded Bakugo.

Bakugo 'tch'd' and turned away from the group.

"I can make some umbrellas for us all." Momo said with a bright smile.

"Save your energy Momo, we can just wait the storm out here, we are in no rush." Aizawa said from his sleeping bag.

Kaminari stared out of the window as the rain started to fall and the rumbling of thunder started to get louder. His breathe fogged the window in front of him. He could hear the students banter behind him. He wondered if the storm woke her up.

"Kaminari-kun" Midoriya said snapping Kaminari out of his daze.

"Ah Midoriya, what's up" Kaminari said shooting Midoriya a ear to ear grin.

"Have you talked to (Y/N)?" He asks Kaminari.

"No, why?"

"W-well me and her grew up together." Midoriya said quickly trying to get to the point.

"Uh-huh, I know that."

"Well she is alone at the moment because the whole class is here while she is in the hotel room. I don't think she is asleep anymore."

"What do you mean Midoriya?"

"(Y/N) is afraid of storms, they scare her." Midoriya said as Kaminari's eyes widen with fear. His once smiled has changed to a frown.

"It started storming one day before we left from school, I went to search for her because we usually walk home together. I couldn't find her until some girls said they saw her run into a class room... I found her in that classroom under the teachers desk crying. She explained how storms scare her... I think you should call her and see if she is ok.." Midoriya said almost with a frown as he stared at the floor. However Midoriya didn't notice Kaminari probably only heard half of what he said.

Midoriya watched as Kaminari ran through the rain to the hotel.

The rain falling on his face and drenching his clothes would cause him to catch a cold the next day, but he was too focused on coming to (Y/N)'s rescue.

'How could she have not told me this' Kaminari thought to himself. 'That idiot'

Kaminari made it to the hotel drenched. He ran up the stairs instead of using the elevator knowing it would be faster. He had to get to (Y/N) to make her feel safe.

Kaminari bust through the door to the room (Y/N) was staying in.

Tsuyu let Kaminari borrow the key as he ran out the door he told her what happened and she happily helped him.

Kaminari's eyes scanned the room quickly there was no one there. (Y/N) was not in site. So Kaminari held his breathe to try to quiet the room to try and hear his scared girlfriend instead.

A small whimper came from under one of the beds. Kaminari lunged down to peek under the bed. There she was his girlfriend. The girl he could not stand seeing cry.

He reached his arm under the bed grabbing her wrist and pulling her out from under the bed.

She looked at him in shock.

"How di.."


The sound of thunder filled the room as she quickly stopped speaking and shoved her face into Kaminari's chest.

The couple sat there on the floor.

Kaminari's arms wrapped around her protecting her from her fears. Her face shoved into his chest as each boom filled the room her grip on his shirt tightening.

"Why didn't you tell me..." Kaminari said with a stern tone.

"I-it's a silly fea.."

"No it's not, if your scared thats okay you are and I need to know so I can be your hero to the things that frighten you." Kaminari snapped.

(Y/N) softly smiled at her boyfriend.

Kaminari kisses (Y/N)'s Head lightly before she buried her face in his chest again. They sat there in each other's hold until the storm passed. Kaminari learned something new that day, so did (Y/N).

He knew she fears storms and she knew she could count on him to always come save her.

~• A/N- I was thinking about some of my fears and this was close enough I thought it was a cute read. Hope you enjoy. 🙏

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