This little light of mine (Tokoyami x Reader)

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It was the middle of the school year and (F/N) was a very sociable person, similar to the outgoing Kaminari and Kirishima. She was really close with almost everyone in the class.

One person however was quite reserved and not as sociable towards her. "Good Morning Tokoyami-Kun!" (F/N) shouts as she walks up to Tokoyomi walking towards the school.

"Morning (F/N)" Tokoyami groans as he glances over at her.

Tokoyami and (F/N) share the same route to school, yet she hasn't grown any closer to him. Which upset her because she has grown quite fond of Tokoyami.

She loved how quiet he was, the way his feathers would get ruffled when he was embarrassed. She loved Dark Shadow (dark shadow also had a fondness of her) she enjoyed watching him train during class. She also loved how caring he could be for his classmates. She wanted to be included in his wall, not outside of it.

(F/N) walked beside Tokoyami in silence. She enjoyed just walking beside him, a smile took over her lips as she walked next to him. She was to busy looking forward to notice Tokoyami had taken a glance to look at (F/N).

He noticed the smile on her face which caused a pink hue to slither across his face.

>Tokoyami's POV<
(F/N)'s smile is so beautiful. She is always so enthusiastic. The complete opposite of me. I wonder if she would have any interest in someone like me romantically. She is such a strong person.

She reminds me of All Might I never see her without a smile. Dark Shadow and I must protect her smile.

I keep glancing at her if I keep doing it she is going to notice. I've got to compose myself.

>(F/N)'s POV<Is there something on my face? Tokoyami kun keeps staring at me

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>(F/N)'s POV<
Is there something on my face? Tokoyami kun keeps staring at me. I wonder what he is thinking.

I wonder if he would even be attracted to me. It would be kind of hard since my quirk is quite the opposite of his. Manipulating light to my advantage. He probably really dislikes me because of my quirk. That's why we aren't that close huh...

>End of POV<

As (F/N) and Tokoyami continuing walking lost in thought. Someone has decided to make an appearance.

Dark Shadow being fond of (F/N) has decided to take matters into his own claws. He has noticed the way she acts around Tokoyami and how kind she is. Dark Shadow of course sees how Tokoyami reacts to things that She does around him.

Tokoyami caught a glimpse of Dark Shadow quickly maneuver around (F/N)'s right side brushing up against her quite forcefully, causing (F/N) to lose her balance and fall towards Tokoyami.

Tokoyami took action quick and caught his crush as she fell swiftly. Though he was not quick enough for she had hurt her ankle. Dark Shadow hid away as he did not plan to hurt (F/N).

"Are you okay (F/N)?!" Tokoyami quickly asks.

"I-I'm fine... ah" she stated as she stood up wincing at the pain coming from her ankle.

"I'm so sorry I do not know what just came over Dark Shadow." Tokoyami says as he swiftly picks her up bridal style.

This caused a dust of pink to appear on both of the students faces

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This caused a dust of pink to appear on both of the students faces. "It is okay Tokoyami-kun, I can walk." (F/N) says with a sweet smile.

"No it is the least I could do for you since this is my fault." Tokoyami says while he avoids eye contact.

Dark Shadow had returned to apologize for hurting her. Dark Shadow nuzzles up to her face. "It is okay Dark Shadow things happen." (F/N) softly says as she nuzzles back and pets Dark Shadow.

Tokoyami blushes as he sees how gently his crush is with Dark Shadow, she didn't fear it even though she knows what he is capable of, she witnessed it that night during the summer camp.

Tokoyami carried his crush all the way to school as her and Dark Shadow were nuzzled together.

He looked down at his crush as they arrived at the school gate. She was asleep as she held onto Dark Shadow he thought about how beautiful and peaceful she was.

Tokoyami took this quick opportunity to nuzzle his head against hers. He did it gentle enough hoping not to wake her.

"(F/N) we are here

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"(F/N) we are here." Tokoyami says looking into her (e/c) eyes.

She sleepily opens her eyes to look up at Tokoyami. Red covered her cheeks as she realized the position she was in forgetting what happened for a second.

"T-thank you Tokoyami-kun" she says as she is set down to stand. "I really appreciate it."

"You are really Beautiful" Tokoyami said bluntly.

Red envelops his crushes face. His blunt statement had shocked her. She didn't know what to say. He took her silence as rejection and turned to walk away.

"I-I think you are really handsome Tokoyami-kun!" She yells suddenly. His back turned to her she couldn't see his expression. Which made her nervous.

However his face was powdered with red. He was shocked from the sudden confession. He really didn't expect her to reciprocate the feeling he had for her.

He glanced over his shoulder at her. "Would you be my light in this darkness." He said gently as his blush deepened. He reached his hand back for her to take his hand.

(F/N) chuckled as she walked towards him. "I love you Tokoyami-kun" she whispered as she takes his hand and nuzzled her face into his neck. Dark Shadow shot towards her to get some attention to, since what happened was because of him causing them to be honest to each other. She laughed loudly. This outburst of a laugh made a small smile appear on Tokoyami's face as he watched his new girlfriend smile.

A/N: Ancient Magus Bride came through with the gifs for me.

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