5. Memories

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Ben found himself in a large field, surround by trees and greenery.

"PEW! PEW! PEW! PEW!" He heard from behind him, Ben turned to see his father running through the the field being chased by a much smaller Ben Solo.

"HEY THATS NOT FAIR I GOT YOU!" Little Ben Shouted.

"Yeah but you still have to catch me!" Han shouted back. Little Ben charged towards him pushing him to the ground landing on top of him.

"HA I WIN!" the small boy cheered. Han chuckled and sat up pulling him into his lap before beginning to tickle him cause Ben to giggle loudly.

"Dad! Stop it!" Ben said laughing. Han stopped still hugging his son.

"I love you Dad, and I will never ever hurt your feelings." Ben said smiling at him.

"I know Ben, and I love you too." Han said ruffling his hair.

"HAN? BEN? WHERE ARE YOU?" Leia called out. Ben jumped up and ran into his mother's arms.

"Mummy mummy I tackled Daddy to the ground and I beat him!" Ben said excitedly as Han walked over to them embracing them both kissing his wife on the forehead.

Ben was snapped back to reality by the sound of his mother's voice. He looked around him, he was still sitting in the medical ward next to Rey's bed wear she slept peacefully. He turned to see his mother standing next to him, he immediately sat up.

"The Generals aren't happy." Leia states.

"Mum I really don't care all I care about is Rey being okay." Ben said standing up, "It's not my fault the glass broke."

"Ben I want you out of the situation as much as you do, but these things take time." Leia said walking closer to her son.

Ben turned and looked over at Rey.
"I know how you feel about her Ben, you don't have to hide it." Leia said walking towards the door.

She opened the door and turned to leave, "Don't let it be to late." And with that she left shutting the door behind her.

Ben sat back down in the chair next to Rey, he only had a few hours with her before he was locked up again. She hadn't received any major injuries, she was mostly just tired and needed to rest.

He moved his hand and gently pushed away a lose strand of hair away from her face before placing his hand back down next to her very still one. Suddenly he felt something grip his hand, he looked back at Rey to see her eyes had fluttered open and her hand was holding his.

"Hey." She whispered quietly.

"Hi." Ben replied back, "How are you feeling?"

Rey looked down at her hand holding his, "Much better now."

They both looked into each other's eyes and slowly leaned closer together, their lips inches apart, the door swung open and Ben immediately leaned back pulling his hand away.

Poe and Finn entered the room and Ben stood up walking away from Rey and towards the corner of the room. "Hey Rey how are you feeling?" Said Poe walking over and sitting in Ben's chair.

"I'm feeling great actually, hopefully the doctors will let me leave today." Rey said sitting up. Finn slowly walked over and sat on the other side of her.

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