25. Battle Plans

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7 months later

Rey swung her lightsaber at the The holo figures, slicing them in half and kicking them to the ground. Sweat was running down her forehead as she ran towards the holos. Her head was spinning as she continued to fight them, using the force to push them away. Suddenly she felt a kick in her stomach. She switched off her lightsaber and tossed it aside as she sat down on a bench, clutching her stomach. There wasn't long to go. Soon they would be born and she would be able to train again. The twins were definitely lively pair, she could already feel how strong the force was with them. She would be surprised if he could feel them as strongly as she could. Rey wiped her face with her hands moving the sweat away, her breathing was heavy as she attempted to catch her breath.

The training room door opened and Keira stepped inside, "Hey." Rey said to the 13 year old. Rey had become close to Keira, they had a lot in common. She was glad it was her who had saved her from Jakku. "They are kicking again." Said Rey.

Keira sat down opposite her, "I used to talk to the women in the town apparently their children kept them up all night by kicking them."

"Yeah it gets quite annoying sometimes, but in the end I remember that one day soon I'll be holding them in my arms." Rey said with a smile.

"You're going to be a great mother Rey, anyone would be lucky to have you as their Mum." Said Keira.

Rey smiled at her, "Thanks."

"Leia sent me down here." Said Keira standing, "She said there is a meeting for all personnel in the control room." Rey stood up with her, "Why?"
"I think we are finally going into battle." Keira said, a pinch of excitement in her voice.

Rey gulped, she wasn't ready to face the possibility of seeing Ben again let alone fight against him. "Let's go." Said Rey pushing the thought to the back of mind, she needed to focus on the resistance not on Ben.
Hoth. Of all places it had to be Hoth. And he was stuck working on the godforsaken planet. Kylo stormed down the icy corridors towards the control room. "Did they fall for it?" He boomed. A young officer stood up from her screen, "Yes Sir, we have believe they will attempt an attack within the next few days." She said, her voice strong and stern. She showed no fear. An unusual trait for a first order officer.

"Excellent, we'll be waiting for them." This was it, they would finally end the resistance once and for all, the spark of hope in the galaxy will be crushed. They were no match for the first order.

Kylo walked out of the control room and down the halls to his temporary training room. He took off his helmet and dropped it to the ground with a loud crash. Pulling out his lightsaber he turned on the holos. Igniting it he ran at them swinging his saber. Using all the anger inside him to fight harder. His anger for Snoke abusing him his whole life, his anger for the resistance, his anger for the first order. But right in the centre of it all was the anger he had for Rey. She broke his heart, tossed him away like he meant nothing. She never loved him. He was foolish to think she did. Soon he was destroying the whole room, shards of ice flying everywhere as he screamed, destroying everything in sight.

She had broken him, made him feel like he was nothing, even now months later he still felt depressed over his loss. He needed her but she clearly didn't need him.


Kylo paused and dropped his lightsaber, what was that? Was he at the point of imagining things?


The voice came again, surrounding him.

Papa, Papa

Except it wasn't one voice, it was two. "Who are you?" Kylo said aloud.


"I'm not your Papa, I don't have children." He felt a wave of light coming towards him, surrounding him, comforting him. He immediately thought of Rey, but it wasn't her, it felt different. Kylo sat down and leaned against the icy wall, breathing heavily. The voices didn't return, but he felt their presences. It was impossible. Surely it was impossible.

Rey touched her stomach, they were trying to reach out to Ben, the force was strong with them. Papa isn't here. Rey told them. She felt the sadness inside her children. They longed desperately for their Papa. A tear fell down her cheek. And she felt her son say Mama. And just like that she felt their light surrounding her. Wiping away her tear Rey entered the control room, she couldn't let the twins feel her emotions, it would upset them.

"Rey, welcome we were just about to start." Said Poe as Rey took her place at the table. "Sorry for keeping you waiting." Said Rey with an apologetic smile.

"It's fine, now we must get down to business." Said Poe typing something into the computer, a hologram of the first order base appeared in front of them. "Our intel tells us that the base contains weaponry vital for the first order, however it is not very well guarded which will make it easy to take control of." Said General Walkim.

"As usual we will have fighters overhead to protect the ground troopers and destroy any tie fighters that come our way." Said Poe.

"General Walkim, how do you suggest we get into the base?" Rey asked.

General Walkim typed into her holopad and red highlights appeared, "Our ground troopers will assist you in getting to the base, Rey it will be your job to take down their communications."

Rey nodded, they were going in by using brute force. "We leave tomorrow morning for Hoth, to prevent any information being leaked you will receive your missions on your transports." Said Leia. Next to me Keira stood taller and whispered in my ear, "I'm looking forward to kicking sole first order ass."

I chuckled and looked back at her as people posed questions at the Generals. "You're going into battle tomorrow?" I Asked.

Keira nodded, "I'm more than ready." We turned back to the meeting and my smile faltered. Keira was only a child, she had lost so much and yet she still remained strong. At only 13 she was prepared to risk her life for the resistance.

Hello my lovely Reylo fans! This story has over 900 reads which is insane! I was excited when I reached 50 let alone 900! Thank you so much for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it.

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