23. Roommate

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"Love can go by so quickly, one minuet it's there the next it's gone." Said Finn zipping up Rose's last bag. Rose touched her necklace, "Yeah it can." She said.

"I'm going to tell him." Finn said.

Rose turned to him, "Finn are you sure about this?" She asked, "Are you sure you are ready?"

Finn nodded, "One day he could be gone and I would have to live with the fact I never told him."

Rose sighed, "I hope this goes well for you Finn I really do, but it won't change how I feel." She said walking over to him. "I love you Finn, so much."

Finn hugged Rose, "I know, and I love you to, just not in the same way." Rose nodded and pulled away.

"All I want is for you to be happy Finn. That's all I good ask for." She said with a smile. Finn smiled back lifting the bag off the dresser.

"We should get this stuff to Rey's room, Poe's shift starts soon and someone needs to be with her." Said Rose walking towards the room. Over the past three days Rose, Finn and Rey had taken it in turns to look after Rey, making sure she ate and slept. At times it was hard, she mostly sat, curled up in a chair holding Ben's shirt.

Finn and Rose walked along the corridor towards Rey's room, "How's she been?" Rose Asked.

Finn shrugged, "She's been getting better, started eating a bit better, but she still won't talk."

Rose sighed, "I feel so sorry for her but she needs to start eating and sleeping properly otherwise it's not good for the baby."

They stopped in front of Rey's room and Finn opened the door. To his surprise Rey was standing at the newly fixed dresser folding clothes, some hers which she didn't spend to much time on. Some where Ben's which she took her time to fold, folding them carefully before placing them carefully in the drawer.

"Hey Rey." Said Rose walking over to her. Rey smiled at her, "Hi." She said quietly.

Finn looked at Poe and whispered, "When did this happen?" He Asked.

Poe shrugged, "No idea she just started to talk." He whispered back.

Poe stood, "Right I better get going see you guys later." He said walking over to the door.

The three waved Poe goodbye as he left, shutting the door behind him. Rose carried her bag out of Rey's room into the bedroom next to it and began to unpack leaving Rey and Finn alone.

Finn slowly approached Rey, "How are you feeling?" He Asked, stupid question.

"I'm okay, doing a bit better than I was yesterday." She said folding Ben's last shirt and shakily placing it in the draw, before slowly closing it. "I will wait, for as long as it takes until he comes back. I know he will, there is good in him."

Finn wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug. "He will come back, I promise. But until then we need to make sure you and the baby are okay."

Rey nodded, "I'm having my first ultrasound today, Leia is taking me." She said with a smile.

"When will you know the gender?" Finn asked.

"Today hopefully." Rey said moving over to the bookshelf, tiding it up.

"Do you want a girl or boy?" Finn asked sitting on the bed.

Rey turned to him, a small smile spread across her face, "I don't really mind, no matter what I will love them all the same."

"They will be perfect no matter what, with you as their mother."
Rey lay on the bed waiting for the ultra sound. Leia day next to her, holding her hand, "You ready?" She asked.

Taking a steady breath Rey nodded, "I think so."

The doctor entered, "Hi Rey, how's everything going at the moment?"

Rey shrugged, "I've been better."

A few questions later the Doctor was moving the transducer across her stomach. She looked at the monitor in confusion, "I can't find two heart beats." Said the Doctor.

A wave of panic came over Rey, "Why? What's wrong? Is the baby okay?"

"I'm finding three heartbeats, Rey you're pregnant with twins." Rey's jaw dropped, twins? The Doctor smiled at her, "A boy and a girl."

Rey looked over at the monitor and tears spilled down her cheeks, she felt Leia's gently stroke the back of her hand. She turned to face her, Leia to had tears in her eyes. "Twins." Rey said covering her mouth in shock.

Leia nodded, "They'll be perfect Rey." She said with a smile.

Rey looked back at the monitor, "I wish you were here Ben."

Kylo Ren entered the bridge where Hux was looking out into deep space. Hearing his loud footsteps Hux turned to Kylo. "Well well Ren seems you decided to show up." Behind his mask Kylo glared. "Sanders report matches up with yours, bombers are on their way down to the city as we speak." Said Hux strolling around the room looking over officers shoulders at control panels. 

"Surely they would of moved." Said Kylo Ren.

"That's probably true but the people of cloud city assisted the resistance, making them an enemy of the first order." Said General Hux. Kylo immediately knew what was going to happen. He thought of Lando, his father's close friend, so many memories he had shared with them both.

"And then he beat me and your Dad is smart enough never to have bet the falcon." Said Lando with a sigh.

"She was always safer in my hands," said Han chucking another stick onto the fire. "That's so cool! Have you been everywhere Dad?" Ben asked jumping up from Chewie's lap and walking over to his father. Han chuckled and pulled him into his lap, "Well not everywhere, no one has." Said Han looking up at the sky.

"I'm going to be the first one to see them all." Ben exclaimed, flailing is arms in the air.

"Ben! Ben!" Came his mother's voice from inside, "Ben it's bed time!" Leia Shouted.

"Quick kid, hide behind me." Said Han, already knowing that his wife would storm towards them any second. Ben hid behind his father as his mother approached, her face being lit up by the light from the fire. Lando let out a laugh, "Your husband and you son are both against you on this one princess."

Leia crossed her arms over her chest, "Where is he?"

Han held his hands up in surrender. "I don't know you tell me."

Leia rolled her eyes and walked around Han to see Ben crouched on the ground curled into a ball trying to hide. She cleared her throat and Ben pulled his hands away from his face, showing a large grin. Leia picked him up and stood next to Han, "What am I going to do with you lot?" She said with a pretend sigh. Ben giggled.


Kylo was snapped back to reality by the sound of the general's voice, "Leave the city, we can deal with it later."

IM SORRY!!!!! Things have been hectic recently sorry for not updating! Hope you did enjoy this chapter,

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