27. The final mistake

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Kylo Ren sat in his quarters if his command shuttle with his head in his hands. What had he done? He'd hurt Rey. The women he swore he would always protect no matter what. The image of Rey lying unconscious on the icy ground failed to leave his mind. And  the voice. The voices. It couldn't be true, it wasn't possible. Or was it? He knew he felt the connection. Rey was pregnant and carrying his children. He was going to be a father. This whole time Rey had been alone, struggling through the pregnancy alone. How could he have been so foolish to leave? He should of fought for her. He was going to be a father.

The command shuttle came to a stop on the Finaliser. He needed to find Rey, he couldn't leave her. He hurt her. How could he live with himself? Would she even look at him after what his had done? Not only had he endangered her, but he had endangered the twins. Oh gods the twins. How far along was Rey? He couldn't miss the birth of his children, he needed to get back to her.
He had let the darkness take over him once again, pushed away Ben Solo. A name he was now not worthy of.

Ben entered his quarters and rushed to the closest, pulling out his bag. He rushed around the room throwing in various possessions. Taking his fathers shirts from a box hidden away under his bed he paused, would his father be proud of him? No. But he was going home. Could he make it right?

Pushing aside the thought of Rey and his mother turning him away he continued to pack his bag. He had never been one to keep personal items, all he needed to take were clothes. Walking over to his 'fresher he knelt down on the floor. Lifting one of the tiles he picked out a small box from inside it before replacing the tile. He had found it years ago, Snoke would look around his room often, checking to make sure his apprentice was loyal to him. But there had always been one thing Snoke could never see. Opening the box he pulled out a small photo frame.

In the frame was a photo of him with his parents. He still remembered the day it was taken.

"BEN SOLO!" Leia Shouted rushing over to her son. He was covered from head to toe in mud. "What on in gods name have you been doing?" She asked.

Ben giggled, "Just playing." Leia looked over her son's shoulder to see none other than her husband also covered in mud walking over to them. She glared at Han crossing her arms over her chest. Ben attempted to hide his laughter but failed tremendously.

Han smiled lifting Ben into his arms, "Yeah we were just playing." He said pretending to be defensive. Leia rolled her eyes, "What am I going to do with you?"

Ben smiled. He and his father were always getting into trouble but in the end his mother always forgave them. Could she forgive him for this? Slipping the picture into his pocket he left the 'fresher and picked his bag of the bed.

Taking a look around the room he thought of everything that had taken place, the endless nights of no sleep, his despair after killing his father, lying in bed for days as his wounds healed after Snoke's punishments. That was all over now. Turning off the lights he left the room, and for the final time he closed the door behind him.
Ben walked up to the command shuttle and froze, several blasters were pointing at him, Hux was by the ramp.

"Where do you think you are going Supreme Leader?" He sneered.

"General Hux I don't see why that is any of your concern." Said Ben trying to step past him.

"Oh I think it his." Said Hux stopping him. With a flick of his wrist the stormtroopers around them loaded their blasters. "I always knew you were a traitor Ren, you never had it in you to be a leader." Said Hux with a smirk.

"And now I will finally have everything, everything I ever wanted was given to you. But now you're all alone, Snoke isn't here to boss me around and that girl isn't here to save you." He said circling around him.

Ben took a step back, his foot hitting the edge of the ramp. Force, Hux was foolish. "There's one thing you need to be a Supreme Leader." Said Ben.

"Ha and what is that?" Asked Hux.


Ben ran up the ramp, closing the door behind him and rushing towards the cockpit.

Stormtroopers fired rapidly at the ship as it took off.

"TAKE DOWN THAT SHIP!" Hux Shouted. But it was too late. The shuttle went into hyperspace and disappeared.

I know this chapter is super short but I wanted to get one out for you guys today!
Also: WE HIT 1K
I CAN'T THANK YOU GUYS ENOUGH! Your votes and comments mean so much to me. I love you all! Which is why I apologise in advance for the next chapter...

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