10.What happens in War

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Poe flew through the sky firing at tie fighters. "Come on happy beeps BB8." Said Poe taking out a tie fighter.

"Joe how are things going on your side." Poe asked swooping down low to scan the area.

"Not good, I think we are going to have to evacuate completely, we can't take all of them." Said Joe.

Poe turned his ship to see Joe's battling a tie fighter. He swooped in towards them and fired the tie fighter out if the sky. "Thanks Poe." said Joe.

"No problem Joe, now make sure all the transports have left safely, then we can get out of here." said Poe firing at another tie fighter.

Joe flew lower towards the hanger bay and looked out of his window only to see that all but one ship had left, "It's just the falcon, we can all get out of here."

Poe looked over to Joe to see a tie fighter moving towards him, "JOE WATCH OUT!" Poe shouted. But he was too late the tie fighter fired and his ship went flying into the hang bay in a flurry of flames.

"NO!" Poe shouted as the ship went up in flames. BB8 expressed beeps of sadness but also that Joe would want him to escape when he could. Poe nodded, "I know BB8, but lt me kill this bastard." Poe angrily fired at the tie fighters shooting them down one by one before leaving and going into hyperspace...

Ben held Rey in his arms her top turning a crimson red. "Ben." She croaked weakly.

"Ssh save your breath," he whispered.

Ben stretched out his hand stopping the stormtroopers from firing at them. He stood up and ignited his lightsaber charging towards them. The raging fires continued to burn around him and he could here the sound of tie fighters and X-Wings battling above. Two stromtroopers charged towards him rapidly firing at him. he blocked there blasts with his lightsaber before decapitating one and throwing the other using the force into the flames. As he fought them he channelled his anger boiling up inside of him. The first order had destroyed his home once and they were doing it again. But the thing that angered him most was that they had hurt Rey. He killed a third stormtrooper as he strangled a fourth. Another six began to charge towards them. There where two many he would never be able to fight them off. He pulled the broken X-Wing towards them blocking there way.

After making sure they couldn't get through, Ben turned to see Rey lying on the ground a pool of blood forming around her she slowly sat up groaning in pain. Ben ran to her side kneeling down next to her.

"Are you okay?" Ben asked worryingly.

"Yeah it's not that bad." Said Rey, attempting to stand.

"Here let me help you." Ben said lifting her up bridal style.

Rey wrapped her arms around his neck, as he ran towards the falcon. They ran up the ramp closing it behind them.

"What happened?" Asked Finn as Ben placed Rey down on the bed in the back room.

"Rey was shot whilst we were running towards the ship." Said Ben.

Leia rushed into the room, "Ben, Chewie needs you." Ben looked at her shaking his head.

"I'll keep an eye on Rey, you go and help Chewie." Leia said sitting down with Rey.

Ben nodded and left the room. He walked into the cockpit and jumped into the pilots seat.

I know this chapter is short! Sorry! It has been difficult to split this chapter and the next chapter up so the next one will be out very soon.

Thank you for reading!

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