8. Confessions

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A/N I recommend you go back and read the previous chapter as I rewrote it changing what happens completely, (If you are reading this in the future then don't worry)
"Another Death Star?" Leia said shocked.

Ben nodded. "You would think they would of learnt their lesson after the first three times." Said Poe pulling up images of star killer base and the two previous Death Stars.

"So I'm presuming the way we blow this up is the same as the two other times." Said General Walkim.

"Unfortunately it's not as easy as before." Said Ben pulling up the image for the new Death Star.

"Well then Ben Solo how do we destroy it?" Asked General Sanders.

"There will constantly be three star cruisers surround the station providing the shield around it, in order to blow up the Death Star we have to destroy all three cruisers and of course everything that will be defending." Replied Ben.

"Our fleet isn't strong enough to take on the entirety of the First Order." Said Leia.

"Is this station operational?" Poe asked Ben.

Ben shook his head, "No it's not, but it will be within the month."

"A month is no where near enough time to prepare." Said General Walkim pulling up the data for the troops they had available.

"It won't be long before they discover our location." Stated Ben.

"And I am sure you have made it a lot easier for them." Mumbled General Sanders.

Leia glared at General Sanders, "My son has had no contact with the firsy order, they can't possibly no our location."

At that moment Finn rushed into the room. "General Organa, I am sorry to interrupt this meeting but I have a more pressing matter."

"What is it Finn?" Leia Asked.

"I went to investigate the wreckage of your son's ship and I found a tracker hidden inside."

The whole room turned to Ben, "I had no knowledge of this tracker."

General Sanders scoffed, "That's a loud of crap, of course you knew about it, you were probably putt it there."

"Actually General Sanders there is no way that Ben Solo would of been able to put in the tracker as only a droid would of been able to." Said Finn stepping forward.

"General Sanders looked almost embarrassed as he cleared his throat and changed the conversation, "More importantly this means that the First Order know we are here."

"We must evacuate the planet immediately." Said General Farling.

The room murmured and nodded in agreement.

"General Walkim how long will it take to evacuate everything off the planet?" Leia Asked.

General Walkim looked into her holopad, "If we begin now we could be gone by tomorrow night, that is if we take our time."

"For all we know the First Order could be on our way as we speak." Said Poe.

"Exactly, we need to start our evacuation immediately." Said Rey.

"We don't have anywhere to go." Countered General Sanders.

"Actually we do, prepare our ships to go to Bespin, cloud city. I have an old friend who may be able to help us." Said Leia with a smile. Chewie roared in agreement.

"It's settled then, we will begin our evacuation immediately." Said General Walkim.

"Pilots prepare your ships, everyone else pack up supplies and resources, the commanders will give out specific instructions. May the force be with you." Said Leia. Everyone nodded and immediately got to work.

Rey and Ben walked over to Leia, "Ah Rey, Ben. I need both of you to be on standby at all times in case we experience a surprise attack." The two looked at Leia confused by what she was telling them to do.

"I will need my two best Jedi ready, you are my only hope if we are attacked." Leia explained.

Rey and Ben nodded in agreement, "Until then I would help Chewie pack up the falcon." Said Leia turning to her holopad.

Chewie walked over to Ben and roared loudly at him shouting, "Hey Chewie, calm down okay." Ben said trying to calm him down.

Chewie roared even more causing Rey and Leia to walk over to them.

Ben listened to what Chewie was saying and looked down at his feet sadly, "Chewie I know, and I regret it everyday, and I'm sorry."

Chewie stopped roaring and wrapped his arms around Ben. Ben smiled.
After hours of working on the falcon Rey found herself inside her apartment with Finn and Poe packing up her things.

"Thank you for helping me out guys, I didn't realise I had this much stuff." Said Rey closing her bag of clothes. Due to her recent visit back to Jakku Rey had collected a lot of all her old things, most of them were on the falcon but she had some things dotted around her apartment.

"It's cool, beside all of Rose's stuff needed packing up as well." Said Finn carrying the second of two bags to the door.

"I guess that's everything." Said Poe slumping down onto the sofa.

"I'm going to miss this place." Said Rey looking around, "I may come back here one day."

"Yeah it's been nice." Said Finn.

Poe nodded in agreement. "Although it does have the memories of Kylo Ren here." Said Finn.

"Can't you just stop going on about that Finn?" Rey asked.

"About what?!" He Asked clearly annoyed.

"Can't you just try to get on with Ben?" Rey asked standing and walking over to him.

"The only reason you are helping him is because you are in love with him!" Finn exclaimed angrily.

Rey's eyes widened and she remained silent looking down at her feet.

"Well aren't you going to deny it?" Finn asked expectantly.

Rey remained silent. "What the hell you are actually in love with that monster?" Said Poe stepping forward. Rey nodded.

The two stared at her in shock. Suddenly Poe moved forward and hugged her, "I don't think you two should be together, but I want you to be happy, and you can be happy without him."

Rey nodded, "I know, no one wants us to be together, besides he doesn't feel the same way."

"I will try and be civil." Said Finn smiling at her, "But don't blame me if I lash out every no and then."
Rey laughed and hugged them both.

"I'm so lucky to have you two as friends."

Heyyyy hope you liked this chapter! I created a new cover and actually really like how it turned out.

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