18.The News

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1 month later.

Rey and Ben were sitting with, Finn, Rose and Poe in the food hall eating dinner. It had been a month since the Jakku Rebels has joined them and the resistance was growing rapidly. The first order were yet to use their new weapon but the resistance still were waiting for the dreadful day when they did.  They were yet to discover whether there was a spy or not but the fear of being discovered loomed over them.

"So tell me Solo, would you want to live forever." Asked Finn.

"No way it would get boring." Replied Ben. Finn nodded in agreement, "Yeah I guess it would."

"You would meet so many people though." Said Rose, "And imagine all the places you could go."

"I agree, okay my turn." Said Poe, "Rey would you rather marry Ben or kiss Finn?" He Asked with a chuckle.

The group laughed. "Marry Ben obviously seeing as he is my boyfriend, honestly Poe you are crap at this game." Said Rey with a sarcastic eye roll.

Ben kissed her forehead and smiled at her. They continued to eat and chat, when Rey suddenly felt quite sick, as though she was going to be sick.

"Please excuse me a moment." Said Rey standing up from the table.

"Is everything okay?" Ben asked.

"Yes everything's fine." She said simply before quickly walking away from the group and out of the food hall, Ben followed quickly behind her. Breaking into a run Rey rushed into her room not bothering to close the door. She ran into the bathroom as Ben entered the room. She slammed the bathroom door and immediately began to throw up into the toilet. Ben opened the door and rushed other to Rey who was leaning other the toilet. He held her hair back as she continued to be sick. After a few moments she sat up and fell back into Ben's arms.

"Hey, are you okay?" He Asked cradling her in his arms. Rey nodded closing her eyes, "I think I must be coming down with something." She said quietly.

Ben kissed her forehead, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I just need sleep, I'll go to the doctor in the morning." Said Rey with a yawn.

Ben nodded and took a flannel from by the sink, he dapped her face gently before carrying her back into her room. He lay her down on her bed and took off her boots before pulling the covers over her. Rey closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning Rey walked down to the medical bay and sat in a room waiting for the doctor.

"Good morning Rey." Said Doctor Jules entering the room, "The nurse says you have been feeling sick recently."

"Yes, I was sick after eating last night." Replied Rey.

"Have you been feeling any other things recently?" Asked the doctor sitting down in front of her.

"I have been having quite tired and have had some weird food cravings which is strange for me." Said Rey.

The doctor nodded writing down notes. "When was your last period Rey?" She asked looking up at her.

"I have skipped one but I usually do." Said Rey. Due to not always having enough food she often skipped periods.

"I'm going to run some tests on you just to see if my predictions are true." Said Doctor Jules.

Rey nodded, "Okay."

After half an hour Doctor Jules had completed all the tests and Rey was sitting waiting for the results, she probably had a bug of some sort.

Doctor Jules entered and Rey stood. "I have the results from your tests." Said the Doctor smiling.

"Congratulations Rey, you're pregnant."

Rey's eyes widened and she covered her mouth in shock. Tears began streaming down her cheeks. "Is everything okay Rey?" Asked Doctor Jules.

Rey nodded, "Yes I'm just so happy." She said excitedly as she cried. Her and Ben were going to have a baby, they were going to be parents. They were going to be a family.

Doctor Jules smiled at her. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Said Rey smiling back at her. She pressed her hand against her stomach at that moment she knew that she would never be alone again.

Yes this chapter is short like the last. But boi you got them both within 5 minutes, so be grateful (no saltiness)

BUT YEAH REY IS PREGNANT. And I'm not gunna make any promises about what's going down in the next chapter because boi you will hate me.

Vote and Comment xx

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