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Leia walked into the remains of her old home. Most of it was destroyed now and very little remained after it was destroyed by the First Order all those years ago.

She sat down on the broken wall and looked around the room. The remains of the carpet where Ben took his first steps, the door he slammed when he had his first fight with his father, then to the fireplace where they hugged and forgave each other.

She stood up and walked over to Ben's bedroom, she opened the door and walked inside. The room was mostly destroyed and there were books and various objects spread across the room. Leia leaned down and picked up a smashed photo frame, she brushed away the broken glass to reveal a picture of her, Han and Ben. Han and Leia were sitting in the falcon with Ben in Leia's arms. They were both smiling at the camera, looking like the happiest people in the world.

Leia took the frame and slipped it into her bag. She sat down on the bed and looked around the room. Tears fell down her cheeks and she began to cry. Trying to stand she fell to the ground and put her head in her hands. She had lost everything, her parents, Luke and Han.

Han. She missed him so much all she wanted was to see him again, just once so she could say goodbye. She remembered the last time she said goodbye, the day Han left.

Leia ran after Han as he headed towards the falcon. "HAN COME BACK!" She Shouted. Han stopped and turned to her. "Please don't go." She said holding his hands.

"No Leia I'm leaving, I can't stay here."  Said Han turning to board the falcon. Leia pulled him back holding onto his arms.

"Han I need you, I have already lost Ben I can't lose you to." Said Leia.

"I can't stay here." Said Han walking away.

Leia ran in front of him blocking his way. "Let me come with you."

"Leia no I'm going with Chewie and no one else." Said Han.

"No Han don't shut me out, we can help each other." Said Leia tears rolling down her cheeks, "Han please."

Han wiped away her tears holding her face in his hands. He leaned down closing the gap between them pressing his lips against hers. Slowly they pulled away tears pouring down both their cheeks. Han turned and walked away and up the ramp.

"I love you!" Leia called out.

Han turned and looked at her, "I know."


Leia was woke up to find herself lying on the floor. Her eyes fluttered open to see Ben kneeling down next to her.

"Ben." She whispered.

Ben helped Leia to her feet as she brushed the broken glass and derby from her dress.

"Are you okay?" Ben asked worryingly.

"Yes yes I'm fine." Said Leia hugging her son.

Ben wrapped his arms around his mother. "We need to leave." He said quietly.

"I can't, not just yet." Leia said pulling away.

"Mum he will always be with us." Said Ben, "Always."

Suddenly there was a large explosion causing Leia and Ben to fall to the ground. "They're here." Said Leia getting to her feet.

"We need to go now!" Exclaimed Ben tacking Leia's hand and running out the house.

They looked in shock at their surroundings. Flames danced around the forest and the base. People were running away from the now half destroyed building. Ben watched as people ran into their transports. Pilots took to the skies to fight the first order.

"We need to get you to a ship." Said Ben leading the way. The two Solos ran across the battle field. Ben ignited his lightsaber killing stormtroopers as he ran holding onto his Mother's hand.

They finally reached the falcon and began to ran up the ramp to see Finn and Chewie waiting for them.

"Rose is in the back I carried her through myself, Poe has escorted the Generals and is in his X-Wing." Said Finn.

"Where's Rey?" Ben asked as the ramp shut.

"We thought she was with you." Said Finn.

Ben's eyes widened and he opened the ramp and ran down it towards the resistance base.

Ben ran through the battlefield fighting stormtroopers as he entered the now ruins of the base.

He ran along the empty corridors, "REY!" Shouted Ben.

Rey where are you? He said through their connection.

He could sense how weak she was, she was hurt. Near our apartment.

Ben turned the corner to where there apartment was only to see a collapsed wall. "Rey?"

"Ben!" Rey called out weakly. She was under the wall.

Ben began to pull away the bricks desperately trying to reach her. Eventually he saw her and climbed down in between the debris. He picked Rey up, carrying her bridal style as he climbed out.

Rey's eyes fluttered open, "Are you okay?" Ben asked.

Rey nodded weakly, "Yes, now that you're here." Ben smiled at her and leaned down, gently kissing her forehead.

"We need to get out of here." He said running down the corridor.

Ben ran back across the hanger-bay towards the falcon. Suddenly an X-Wing came flying towards them. Ben dodged it and they both fell to the ground holding onto each other. He picked her up again and they ran towards the falcon.

A group of stormtroopers came towards them firing rapidly. Rey screamed out in pain and Ben looked down to see his hands covered in blood.

I have an Instagram account! Follow me on there for updates on this story: __reylotrash__

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