6. Nightmares

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"He can't stay with her!" Finn exlaimed.

"Finn this isn't your decision." Leia said calmly.

"General I understand that you trust your son, but both Finn and I believe that this isn't a smart move." Said Poe.

"Rey is the only one who has a spare bedroom in her apartment, and isn't it better that he is with Rey so she can keep an eye on him." Leia Asked.

Finn slumped back in his chair in defeat, "Fine but if anything happens to her I'll share an apartment with him."

Poe nodded in agreement. "It's settled then." He turned to Rey, "If he does anything tell us."

"I doubt he will but if you insist then fine." Rey said standing up to leave.

"Ben I will have clothes sent to your apartment in the morning but for now you all need to rest." Leia said also standing.

Ben nodded, "Thank you." And with that they all left the room and walked along the corridor.

Rey said goodnight to Poe and Finn once again assuring them that she would be fine before unlocking the door to her apartment and leading Ben inside locking it closing and locking it behind her.

The apartment like most were small, the main room contained a  table and chairs, a tiny kitchen, a sofa and a desk in the corner. There were three doors other than the front door leading to the bedrooms and the bathroom. Most people shared rooms but Rey was on her own since the spare room would of been for Rose.

"I'm going to head straight to bed, it's getting late." Rey said taking of her shoes and leaving them neatly by the front door.

"Yeah I'll probably do the same."'Ben replied.

"Okay, goodnight then." Rey said awkwardly.

"Goodnight." Ben said as they both separated, going into their own bedrooms.

Rey found herself on a platform surrounded by lava, Ben standing in front of her, lightsaber ignited.

He charged towards her and Rey found herself igniting her own and fighting back.

"GIVE UP REY!" Ben Shouted.

"BEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She Shouted mostly in confusion.

Beginning to feel weak Rey dropped her lightsaber and fell to her knees, Ben towering over her, his blade at her neck.

"Ben please." She said crying.

Suddenly the area around her changed and Rey stood in the middle of a circular room, surrounded by ghosts. Most of whom she didn't know. She turned round in a circle and stopped when she noticed Han Solo, "Han." She whispered.

"Hey kid." He chuckled. Rey smiled at him.

"Where am I?" Rey asked.

"The force as created a resurrection of all the people of whom you love most, a way of bringing whose who have passed on back from the force." Han said.

"But I don't know these people." Rey said turning to the four other people in the room.

A women stepped forward, she had the same brown hair as Rey, "Mum?" Rey said suddenly realising who she was. She looked over at the man standing behind her, "Dad?" They both smiled at her.

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