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Above is what I have chosen to be the twins theme. Shout out to Lucas King!
Ben couldn't breathe. Rey. His light. His everything. Ben cried out. It was his fault. All his fault. He should of protected her.

Suddenly the room began to shake, he knew the first order hadn't been far behind. "Ben we have to leave." Said Finn. Ben shook his head. "I'm not leaving her."

Ben looked down at the twins. Keira and Jason. They were perfect. Even though Rey was gone he knew she would always be with him, through them. Ben closed his eyes and thought of every moment with Rey,

"You're not alone." Ben sat up to see Rey standing in the doorway. She walked over to his bed and nervously laid down next to him.

Wrapping her arms around his torso and resting her head on his chest Rey whispered, "Goodnight Ben."

"I know you feel it to Rey." Ben whispered, "And you don't have to be afraid."

"I'm not afraid." Rey whispered.

"Neither am I." Ben replied and pressed his lips against hers. Rey leaned closer to him and wrapped her hands his neck. Ben snaked his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him.

The twins cried, scared of the loud crashes surrounding them. "We need to evacuate!" Said Poe.

Finn hurried after him and they all left the room leaving Ben alone at Rey's side. The ceiling above him was shaking. He knew he needed to escape, he had to save Keira and Jason.

Ben leaned down and kissed Rey gently, "I love you." He whispered, "I'll protect them I promise. As Ben ran towards the exist, the ceiling finally caved in and everything went dark.
Ben woke with a start. Where was he? He was surrounded by derby. It all quickly came back to him. Rey. "Rey?" He called out, standing up. He walked over to the remains of her bed, only to she was gone. The twins.

Pushing through the rubble he searched desperately for them. He heard a cry and stopped moving the rocks, edging closer to it. Moving aside a rock he found Keira lying in her blanket crying. Taking her in his arms he wept. She was okay. Completely unharmed. Using the force he raised all the rocks, but nothing. Jason was gone as well as Rey. His love and his son were gone. He had to save Keira, this was his chance. He had to do it for Rey, protect Keira at all costs. Moving out of the destroyed hospital room he looked around to see everything destroyed. Everything. The corridors were silent. Either the resistance were dead or they had escaped. Ben walked the halls and found himself in a room, he looked around. Rey. This was Rey's room. It wasn't damaged. Something on the dresser caught his eye. A kyber crystal. Rey had kept it. Taking a piece of string from a draw and lying Keira down next to him, he tied the string around the kyber crystal and wrapped it around her neck, "She will always be with you." He whispered to her, "And I will never leave you."
The transport dropped him near is uncles old home on Tatoinne. Keira was sound asleep, and he held her close to his chest. It was sunset. Ben walked up a small dune and looked out at the binary sunset. Somehow he knew, Rey was still with him, part of him wanted to believe she wasn't dead. He looked down at Keira, somehow everything would be okay.

The End

Thank you so much for reading this story! Well done for sticking around. I have loved every minute of writing this story. There WILL be a sequel called Stardust. I will be publishing it as soon as possible.

Until then may the force be with you.

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