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You snapped out of your daze and pushed Jungkook away from you. You covered your mouth, trying best not to throw up. You hated it, you hated having to kiss him. He didn't steal your first kiss, but you still hated it.

"Kitten, was the kiss not good enough" Jungkook asked as he stalked closer to you, causing you to walk backwards until your back hit the triple attached mirrors. Knowing too well were this would lead, you grabbed the hem of your dress and dashed towards your left, hoping Jungkook won't come after you.

"Miss where are you running?" A worker asked as she followed you.

"Why did you let him in?!" You yelled as you made an abrupt stop. You turned your body to the lady in front if you who merely chuckled at your response. She didn't know what was wrong with having Jungkook help you dress because you two were officially married, well according to what Jungkook had told her.

"Kitten, why did you run" Jungkook asked, trying to hold in his laughter as he approached the two of you.

"Why do you think I did that?! You KISSED ME!" You spat, trying to hold in your anger but no avail.

"I can tell it wasn't your first, why are you so angry?" Jungkook smirked as he saw your reaction. For some reason he couldn't help but tease you. Your reactions were always fresh and kept him entertained. You were the only person that wasn't afraid of him, which annoyed and pleased him for some odd reason.

You literally felt your heart grow heavier as he said those words. You couldn't help it, you were still not over him. He was your first love... He was the first one you thought you'd have a child with... And he was the first one to rip your heart to shreds and leave as if you were nothing more than a used napkin- dirty and worthless...

You chocked back tears as you tried to calm down your rapidly beating heart. You didn't want to seem so weak in front of Jungkook because you knew too well he would always use it against you.

"Get lost" you spat as your took off your clothes, not caring that Jungkook and the worker were in front of you. You threw the dress towards them and ran out the doors in your underwear. You didn't care where you went, any place was better than there.

You continued to run through the darkened alleyway, tripping here and there when your bare feet touched the stones drenched in last week's rain.

Just then you turned a corner and found yourself at a dead end. You wiped the tears off using the back of your hand. You had finally calmed down.

"Hey there, how much?" A sinister voice asked behind you. You tensed as you turned towards the man, he reeked of alcohol and drugs.

"Who are you?" You asked, trying to prolong the conversation in hopes of finding a way out.

"How much, I don't have all day" the man spat as he walked closer to you. You mentally cursed yourself for running out of the shop in your underwear and getting mistaken for a prostitute by a drunkard.

"Sorry, but you ha-" you were cut off as the man grabbed you by the throat and flung you to the wall. You literally felt the air getting knocked out of you as your back hit the wall.

"Fine, you sluts like it rough right? I'll have my fun and leave you half dead. I ain't paying" he hissed as he licked his lips.

The man's grip tightened around your neck as you felt his free hand trace the outline of your curves.

Just then you heard the man let out an agonizing scream as he fell to the ground clutching his chest. You gasped as you saw a small pool of blood form around the man as he continued to groan.

"There's no way I'm going to let filth like you touch my little kitten" Jungkook spat as he pulled the trigger once more, ending the man's agonizing screams.

All was silent as Jungkook walked up to you. He seemed angry as he looked down on you as you tried to cover yourself with your arms.

"Here" he mumbled as he unbuttoned his coat and threw it over your head. You mumbled a thank you before you covered yourself up with his coat.

"Are you just leaving him here?" You asked as you shut your eyes. You hated seeing people hurt, even though they were bad.

"He tried to rape you, yet you're here feeling bad for him. Listen, not everyone here deserves to live. Sure everyone was born innocent and good as children, but when they grow up they show their true colors. That little sh** I shot was one of the bad kinds that shouldn't be alive. If it wasn't you it would have been another. Do you still feel bad?" He asked as he watched you.

"I-I..." You were at a loss for words. He was right, but you didn't want to admit it. You knew just how lousy the legal system was. If the man Jungkook had shot was wealthy, he would have been able to pay some people off and get off without ever being punished.

"Come on, let's go back" Jungkook stated in a commanding tone as he forcefully grabbed your arm and led you away towards the shop.

You followed him in silence wondering why he gave you his coat. You knew he was only with you to make his mother happy and that he didn't really have any real feelings for you. You wondered if it was just another plan of his to make you fall for him.

"Hurry up and go change back to your original clothes. I already got your dress. And oh yeah, your mother said it was alright, so your living with me starting today" a smirk formed on Jungkook's face as he said those words.

"WHAT?!" You practically screamed causing the pigeon who was busy eating a French fry to fly away in fear.

"There is no way I'm living with you! Didn't I tell you this before? I AM NOT MARRYING YOU!!!!" You spat as you yanked your arm free from his.

"You have no choice, Kitten... I own you, body and all. You signed the contract for our marriage and job. As of last night we are officially husband and wife. Your mother and I planned this out because she knew you would be against marrying me" Jungkook chuckled into his clenched fists making you want to punch him and knock some sense into him.

"It's my life! Not yours or my mom's! I'm allowed to make my own decisions! You know what! I'm running away! I have friends abroad and if I go to them there is no way you can chase me!" You spat as you started walking away towards the shop.

"Kitten, I'll find you wherever you go. I have branches all over the world, one word from me and they'll be on you like dogs in heat!" Jungkook chuckled once more as you groaned.

"Nevermind, let's just go home" Jungkook chimed as you felt his arms snake around your waist and pull you towards his well built chest.

You tried to break free from his iron grip as he dragged you towards his black van, but it was useless. He was just too abnormally strong that you wondered if he was somehow related to Do Bong Soo!

He pushed you into the van, but still held you close knowing too well that you would bolt through the other door as soon as he let go.

"Hyung, do you have any of those cloths left? I think she should sleep some more, she's too grumpy" Jungkook asked the blonde man in the driver's seat.

"Yeah, one sec" the man mumbled as he opened the passenger side compartment.

"You need to buy me some more" he stated as he poured some liquid from a glass bottle into the cloth. A foul ordor reached you as the man handed Jungkook the cloth.

"Kitten, you should take a nice and long cat nap" Jungkook chimed as he placed the cloth over your mouth. You tried to push him off, but it was too late. You felt your head start to spin and your eyelids became heavy.

"I promise to have a lot of fun dressing you up, kitten~"

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