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"Joon! Where are you running?"" You asked as you chased the young boy through the back alleyways of Seoul. You didn't know what was going on, but as soon as you arrived at Joon's house he bolted out the door. You heard screams emitting from inside the house. Assuming it was due to something Joon had done you chose to ignore it and run after the boy.

"Y-Y/N stay away from me! They'll find you and hurt you if you are with me!" He shouted, not once turning his head to face you. You didn't know why he was acting this way, but that wasn't going to stop you from chasing after him to see if he was okay. The last thing you wanted was for him to be bullied again.

You saw Joon turn a corner only to slowly back out of it. "Y/N, Run!" he shouted at you, but you weren't going to listen to him. Joon was younger than you and the last thing you wanted was to take commands from a little kid like him!

You ran up to him and pushed him protectively behind you and turned to the relatively tall men wearing black masks. "Who are you and why are you picking on him? " You spat as you glared towards the men. 

The men chuckled in amusement at your haughty attitude. To them you were nothing more than a idiotic child who thought she could take on two grown men holding guns.

"I asked you a question!" You shouted, holding your ground. Seeing Joon so afraid made you feel even stronger. You glanced around for anything you could use as a weapon. There was an trashcan lid lying around, but that wasn't going to do you any good. You could always bite the men in the leg, but they had weapons which was dangerous.

Just then you heard the sounds of shots being fired. The men glanced at each other before turning around, you used this opportunity to grab Joon's arm and drag him away. You heard the men cuss, but you continued to run while holding on tight to Joon's arm. You were not going to let him get hurt. 

"Let me go, Y/N! They're after me, not you!" Joon shouted as he continued to run with you. 

"Not a chance!" You shouted back as you continued to drag him towards the opening in the back alleyways that led to the main road. 

"Y/N!" You heard a voice call causing you and Joon to turn. 

"F-father" Joon mumbled as the man you assumed was Joon's father ran up to the both of you. He seemed to ignore Joon as he knelt down besides you and examined your body.

"What a relief you are not hurt" He muttered as he turned to Joon and did the same. "Come with me, I'll take you back to your mother Y/N" Joon's father stated in a concerned voice as he stood up and grabbed the hands of both you and Joon. 


Jungkook continued to glance down at the document that had a red 0.00001% written in bold. A grin formed on his lips as he handed the file to Namjoon. "So they aren't related by blood, that's a relief".

Namjoon nodded his head as he took the file and placed it in a safe in Jungkook's office. "You already knew that, he had told you the truth long ago. To be honest, your life is a complicated one" Namjoon stated in a rather amusing tone causing Jungkook to shrug his shoulders before laying down on the couch.

He was exhausted, both mentally and physically. He had taken care of you for days without a moment of rest. You were in critical condition, if he didn't act fast enough you would have surely been dead.

"Since we're  here in France, has there been any new info on where he is?" Jungkook asked as Namjoon sat down on another couch. He glanced down at the iPad in his hands and swiped left and right before handing Jungkook the iPad. "He's been on Tinder for some reason looking for women, no doubt trying to act like a boss" Namjoon chuckled as Jungkook rolled his eyes. This was clearly not what he meant when he asked for new info.

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