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"You know I will always loved you" Joon chimed as he took your hand in his and dragged you towards the river while he father watched the two of you with a wide grin pastured on his lips. He never knew he would see the two of you together like this. It was his wish to hold you once again and bring you into the family.

You turned towards Joon's father and waved at him, "Do you want to come and play with us?"

His father shook his head as your mother approached him from behind. The two of you glanced at each other in confusion as you watched Joon's father place his hand over your mother's hand as she watched him tenderly.

"What are they doing?" you asked, clearly in confusion at what was happening. Why was your mother and Joon's father holding hands the same way you and Joon were?


Jungkook let out a deep sigh as he hid his phone in the pocket of his black skinny jeans while placing his legs on top of the table. The meeting was dragging on too long and quite frankly he as bored. Namjoon was busy discussing where he might be while Yoongi was showing security camera videos of Zico and him talking together in France. Jin was busy eating cotton candy with Taehyung while Hoseok was sleeping on the couch. 

Just then, Jungkook froze. Someone was missing... Where was his brother that tended to fall over his chair when he got excited? Where was Jimin?

As the realization hit him, Jungkook placed his legs on the ground and stood up. Jin seemed to notice and threw his cotton candy away, accidentally hitting Namjoon on the head with it causing him to spill his coffee on Yoongi's laptop which he accidentally threw on Hoseok who woke up screaming that the world was ending and hippos were talking over.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung asked as he finished his cotton candy, oddly he was the only one that seemed calm at Jungkook's sudden movements. 

"Is anything wrong?" Jin asked as he glanced around the mess in the room. He hated to admit it, but he was going to have to clean it all up and buy Yoongi a new laptop.

"Where is Jimin?" Jungkook asked in a stern voice as he walked towards the elevators, only to be stopped by Jin.

"You stay here, I'll go find him. He might have just gone to grab some cake" Jin stated calmly, hoping Jungkook would calm down and not hurt Jimin.

"Fine... Just keep him away from-" Jin cut him off as he stated, "Yes, I know. The last thing any of us would want is for Y/N to find out why he is after her and who he is."

As Jin got into the elevator he could only pray that Jimin did not tell you anything. You and Jungkook were in danger and the last thing he wanted was for the two of you to die. He would do anything to keep the two of you safe. To him, you two were his precious friends and family. He would do anything to make sure no harm would come to the two of you and the other members, even if it meant he would have to be the villain.

As the doors to the elevator opened, Jin bolted up the stairs to the room you were in with Jungkook. Without even knocking on the door he flung it open causing Jimin to fall off his chair in fright.

"H-hyung" Jimin stuttered as he stood up and dusted himself off. 

"Jin? What are you doing here?" You asked trying to calm your rapidly beating heart. You were about to find out who the man that was after you was, but Jin just had to ruin it right before Jimin was about to tell you.

"Jimin, Jungkook was wondering where you were" Jin stated, not once meeting your eyes. "You should go now" he continued as he walked towards him and grabbed him by his arm. 

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