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"Aww look they're getting along so well" you heard your mother chuckle as she and Ms. Jeon continued to whisper amongst each other. You tried to break free from his grasp, but he had an iron grasp on you making it impossible to even move. You could have sworn he could have squashed your wrist if he wanted to. 

Seeing as there was no means for you to escape, you did the only logical thing that came to  your mind. Which was to dig your heel into his foot or kick him where it hurt. The first option seemed the safest when dealing with an underworld boss such as Jungkook. A sinister grin formed on your lips as you dug your heel into his foot with as much strength as you could muster. 

You felt his grip loosen around your wrist and took that opportunity to lean off of him and sit back down, much to the surprise of your mother who was busy discussing how many grandchildren she wanted. If she wasn't your mother you had to the urge to stand up, throw some money at her, and dump the contents of the champagne glass on her face before walking away. You wondered just why she didn't understand Jungkook and his mom were playing them. Any normal person could easily see that Jungkook was not a good boy! He was covered in tattoos and no matter how much cologne he wore, the stench of blood still followed.

At that moment you didn't care that you probably just moved up on his hit list, you just wanted to get out of this arranged marriage. You were someone that wanted to save lives and from the looks of things, Jungkook was they type that wanted to take lives. Anyone with the right mind could clearly see you two were not a match made in heaven, but your mother wasn't someone with a right mind. All she wanted was to show her friends that her daughter married a wealthy man. All she wanted was to show off...

You heard someone stand from there chair, prompting you to look up and instantly wish you hadn't. Jungkook was giving you a fake smile as he turned to his mother. "Maybe it would be good for Y/N and I to take a walk and get to know each other more. I'm sure she is scared about marrying a stranger, I want to take the opportunity to help her understand there is nothing to be scared of when it comes to me" his voice sounded as sweet as honey and if you didn't know any better you would fallen under a trance like you mother. Knowing what you knew, you tried your hardest to prevent yourself from puking. 

"That's a great idea! Y/N, hurry along and get to know Jungkook better" your mother exclaimed as she pulled you by the arm and practically pushed you towards him. As soon as you  were up you wanted to make a run for it through the doors, but to your dismay you felt Jungkook's arms wrap around your waist like an iron snake. You felt your heart sink as he held you close to his chest, looking down on you with a sinister smirk plastered on his flawless face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, kitten" he whispered into your ear as he dragged you out of the restaurant. You shivered as the cold air hit you, wishing you had remembered to bring your jacket. 

"Just let me go already! You can't be fine with marrying a complete stranger like me, so let's just work together and call it quits!" you shouted as you tried to pry his arm off your waist, but to no avail. You started to wonder just what he ate and just how much he had worked out to be so strong! Trying to pry his arm off you was just like trying to break apart the bars of a jail cell. In other words, it was impossible.

"I don't care who I marry to be honest" Jungkook muttered in a matter-of-fact tone causing you to stop what you were doing and look up at his face. Since you were so blinded by anger at the restaurant, you didn't really have a chance to look at Jungkook closely enough. He did seem handsome and he did shave, which had surprised you because you had always seen boss's with mustaches and bad skin. Jungkook on the other hand looked more like a model than a boss, especially with his chiseled jawline, doe-like eyes, pinkish lips, and flawless skin. 

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