Six| first meeting.

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Few Weeks Later

Sitting in my office, I scrolled through the internet looking for a different job. I love it here, the pay is great but the hours are horrible. People aren't open to being PO's because they don't want to deal with the ex cons and the fact that this job can sometimes get dangerous depending on who you're dealing with.

I have a criminal justice degree so I've been trying to find something in the courthouse. Maybe a clerk or something.

They work decent hours, they aren't forced to stay at work. I also need a new job because the boys have been very busy lately and they're barely home, so picking up Ariel from school has been hectic. They promised to get her today so I'm good. I haven't been thinking about what I'm going to do when they go off to college.

I may have to quit, thankfully I have enough money saved up so I should be good for a while if that ends up being the case.

A knock on the door, grasped my attention. I minimized the job search page and pulled up my files. Then I made sure I was decent in the full length mirror by desk. "Come in."

The door opened and the sound of plastic rattling filled my ears. I leaned over my desk to see who it was. Then Chris appeared with Roses in his hand.

He looked so good. His diamonds shined bright, his outfit was perfect, his messy hair but he had a trimmed goatee.

Leaning back in my seat I smiled. "You know I can't accept those. You just walked past all my coworkers now they're going to think something is up."

"Nobody was paying attention to me. You don't have to even keep them here."

"Thanks, they're beautiful." I took the bouquet from him and put it on top of my purse. I got up and grabbed all the things for his urine sample

"You look Nice today." He said.

"Thank you." I walked back over to him with his cup and handed it to him. "I'm sure you know the drill."

His demeanor changed when I said that.

"Nah I don't. This is actually my first time doing this. I know you might think everybody that walks in here is an awful person that loves trouble but that ain't me." He seemed bothered.

"Well you have to fill this cup to the line, make sure you wipe it up. The machine used is able to detect any foreign objects and if the urine used doesn't belong to you. I will be using this to detect any drugs and alcohol in your system. Cool?"

"Yup." He snatched the cup. "Where's the bathroom?"

I pointed at the door behind him. He got up and headed back there.

I pulled up his file while he handled his business. He does have prior charges but they weren't as big as the last so this is his first time having a PO. So I basically put my foot in my mouth.


A couple minutes passed and he came out.

"Drop it in that machine over there." I pointed over by my bookcase.

He did what I told him then came and sat back down.

"Look, I'm sorry for basically stereotyping you. I knew you had prior convictions that's why I thought you knew how things went. I should've looked into your file a little more before saying anything. I apologize." I said.

"It's cool."

"Okay back to business. Are you currently working?"

"I own my own businesses and they're registered so nothings illegal."

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