Eight| used to this.

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I sat up on the counter in my kitchen, rolling up my second blunt while finishing my first. I'm fucking stressed.

On top of the bullshit with Aubree, Ro's mom family decided to contact me after 4 fucking years, asking for her. I cussed them out and now it's threats of getting child protective services on me and they're going to tell the police about the things I'm involved in.

I grew up with Ro's mom, we were really close and like I said there was never a relationship just mutual love. Royalty was conceived during a wild night. I don't Fuck with abortions and neither did her mom. So we went with the flow. Talked every day about how we were going to coparent.

Her parents were like my second parents. Our moms were real cool so they know how money was made in our household. So this puts me in a more fucked up position.

I mean if they go to these judges talking about me selling dope and then the courts pull up my record, I might as well pack Ro's stuff right now because that's a definite W for them. My daughter means the world to me and I can't lose her.

I know me cussing them out is what led to this but it's been four years. Why they want her now?

"This is the most I've seen you in the House." My mom said.

"Just a lot going on. Don't really feel like dealing with outside world."

"Wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head. "I'll be straight just gotta figure out a few things."


"So Ma, Royalty's best friend needs to be watched and picked up after school until her sister comes home from work. I was wondering if you wanted to do me this huge favor and help out."

"The Ariel girl, Royalty is always talking about?"

"Yeah, her big sister takes care of her and their two brothers but she needs somebody to pick her up."

"Okay, you told her how much I charge for babysitting?"

"Ima handle that."

My mom smirked. "Does my son have a crush on someone?"

"Because I said ima help her out?"

"Yeah, you aren't a helpful person."

"She looked out for me so I'm returning the favor." I stared at the blunt in my hand knowing that ima fail yet another drug test and Aubree won't be so generous this time after what I did. So I just sat the one in my mouth and in my hand in the ashtray. "Just looking out for somebody that's all."

"Well you need to like this girl, I'm tired of you being single."

"I'm good."

"Are you going to grow old by yourself? You haven't been in a serious relationship, come on Chris you're almost 30."


"He doesn't have time to focus on a Bitch, it's other things he need to focus on." My dad interrupted. "Christopher can I talk to you in the back."

"About what?"

He looked at me like I had two heads. "I'm not gonna ask again."

Smacking my lips I climbed off the counter and headed outside. I'm tired of this nigga treating me like I'm a fucking kid. As soon as I went to turn and face him, his fist went right into my mouth causing me to stumble. "SHIT!" I held on to my throbbing lip.

"Why the fuck haven't you been to the warehouse?!"

I just tried to remain calm cause I wanna kill this nigga.

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