Twenty| gotcha.

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Tuesday Afternoon

"Aye take a picture of me up here." Hoody said to Keeis while climbing on the hood of Ryan's car. Standing to his feet he stretched his arms out.

The popping of the metal filled their ears.

"Say cheeeeese." Keeis said before snapping the picture.

Hoody jumped down, landing his butt on the hood causing a huge dent.

Keeis laughed. "Bro you fucking up the mans vehicle."

"So what."

"EXCUSE ME! What are you doing to my car?!" Ryan yelled.

"I'm looking for a Mr. Ryan Thomas." Keeis said. "Would that be you sir?"

"Who are you?"

Keeis and Hoody walked up to him.

"Like the man asked, are you Ryan Thomas?" Hoody repeated.

"Ye-." Before he could finish Hoody wrapped Ryan's tie around his neck immediately cutting off his airways.

"So we hear you like touch and feel on women. Huh?" Keeis said.

Ryan just gasped for air while trying to reach for Hoody's hands.

"Cat got ya tongue? Can't answer the question? You gotta be more careful with the people you fuck with man. Not everybody gets scared when you mention ya weak ass pops. He don't run shit around here. Ryan my dawg, this is a warning. Stay the fuck away from Aubree. If we find out you even looked in her direction, we'll make sure your body is tossed in the deepest part of the ocean. Got it?" Keeis continued.

Ryan frantically shook his head.

Hoody let his tie go. Ryan pulled it away from his neck while folding over coughing.

"Have a nice day motherfucka. I hope we don't have to make another visit." Hoody said as they walked away.

Ryan coughed and coughed until he caught his breath. He straightened up his tie then walked over to his car and climbed in. Yelling out in frustration, he hit the steering wheel.

He couldn't believe Aubree would pay some punks to come threaten him.

Relaxing back into his seat, his mind went into deep thought. She would have to pay for this. There was no way he was going to let this slide.


Walking into my house after the trip back from Malibu, a smile peeled across my face. I hung up my things then walked upstairs to my room. I heard the front door close and soon Chris appeared in my doorway.

We were both exhausted from the long night we had but it was so worth it.

A night filled with talking, body rubs and good Sex. No drinks or weed needed to enhance the moment. Just the energy from one another, put us on Cloud 9.

Coming out of my clothes, I slipped under my warm covers. Chris came and joined me after locking the door. That sexual tension from last night was still there.

Not a word was said his hands just roamed over my body. One of his hands tightly gripped my ass causing me to bite down on my lip and squeeze his bicep. His eyes stayed glued to my breast. Gripping his chin, I brought his lips to mine and we shared sweet kisses.

Chris's tongue slid in my mouth as he pulled my body more on his, before flipping on his back and pulling me on top. I pulled his dick out of his briefs while he pulled my panties to the side. Placing him at my opening, I slowly slid down, gasping, like he wasn't in it about 5 hours ago.

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