Thirteen| rejection comes with consequences.

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Monday Morning.

Pulling myself off of the elevator, I slowly walked to my office. I had not an ounce of energy, thanks to Chris. My legs were on fire and I think my pussy is broken.

But I truly can't complain, every time he offered more dick, I accepted it with an open mouth and open legs. So I'm just going to put on my big girl panties and deal with the pain. As soon as I opened my office door, I rolled my eyes at the sight of new files on my desk but that irritation soon faded at the sight of a roses sitting near my window.

Picking up the card, I opened it.

Something to make you smile on your first day back

Ugh, he's the best.

There was a light knock on my door.

"Come in." I called out while walking back to my desk.

"Hello." Tisha said. "Welcome back."

"Thank you."

"Is everything sorted out with your sister? Did you need anymore time off?"

"Everything is okay for now. Her best friend's grandmother is supposed to be picking her up for me. I have been thinking about doing a leave of absence though. I'm not sure yet because I would leave more work on every body else."

"Whatever you plan to do let me know and we'll make it happen. I know you're all your sister has right now."

I nodded. "Thanks for being so understanding. You don't know how much I appreciate you."

"I love you like a little sister. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you."

"I know."

"So how was your week off? Did you enjoy yourself?" A smile appeared across her face.

"It was interesting. Things got a little crazy at one point but this weekend was nice." That Sex flashback hit me hard, sending that chill down my spine.

"Yeeeessss! You finally got some. That's why you were limping when you walked in."

I laughed. "Maybe."

"He has you glowing, that makes me happy. I still want you to be careful though."

"Trust me I am."

"And I hope the glow is coming from more than just the sex."

"It is. He's a dope guy, when our personalities clash it can get hectic but other than that he's awesome."

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