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Two Weeks Later.

This situation with Chris, his mom and Nia's family is slowly getting out of hand. And it's causing issues between me and Chris. A bunch of unnecessary arguments and shit. We can't be around each other for too long without wanting to kill one another.

I'm tired of all the bullshit so if he isn't going to fix it, I will.

Pulling up to a park not too far from my house, I cut off the car and climbed out. My eyes scanned around until I spotted Joyce sitting on a bench. This is the last thing that I should be involved in due to me being pregnant but if I don't talk to her this wont end.

I walked up to her. "Hello."

Exhaling she looked up at me. "What do you want Aubree?"

"I want you to end this madness between Royalty's family and Chris."

"This has nothing to do with you."

"It does. I'm dealing with your sons attitude because everyday he's arguing with one of them. All of this is happening because you're lying to them about who I am and the type of father he is. You know Royalty is everything to Chris, why are you trying to ruin that?"

"He killed my son and and my husband."

"I just don't understand how you're so upset about this monster being dead. He threatened you, treated you like shit, tried to kill both of your children and the list goes on. Like Chris said that bullet was meant for anybody. Your son and husband didn't even care if you were the one that died but you want to sit here and defend them?! That just makes no sense to me."

"I loved them, he took them both from me."

"And they took my brother from me!" I yelled. "My innocent baby brother that had nothing to do with this nonsense."

She looked up at me. I was trying my hardest not to cry but she wasn't making this easy for me.

"Your son loves you and it's killing him that this is going on and to top it off, you're trying to get his daughter taken away." I continued. "Haven't we been through enough? Chris did what he had to do to protect his family. He's hurting about this just like you. That was his flesh and blood too. But they were a problem, that he had to get rid of. Mama, they could've killed you, they could've killed Royalty or Chris. Why aren't you understanding that?"

Tears rolled down her face. "My family is just torn apart. My husband was a monster but Dave, was he really that bad?"

"Maybe not to you but he was to Chris and he was the one that pulled the trigger. He's your son so you have every right to grieve but you have another son that needs you. Chris is spiraling out of control and I can't handle it. Everyday we're arguing because he's so upset. He needs his mother. Please."

She sighed, running her hands over her jeans. Her eyes just roamed the park until she finally looked up at me. "Take me to him, please."

I nodded while grabbing her hand. She climbed in her car and I got in mine, then we headed to my house. When we got inside Royalty and Ariel was running through the house, everything was a mess. I'm guessing they've been watching themselves while I've been gone.

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