Ten| why.

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The Next Day

Running my hands through my curls I stared at the ceiling of my room. The minute Aubree gave me my money, I went and found me a place.

The doorbell rang through the house. Groaning, I sat up and tried to fully wake up. Taking a deep breath, I got up and headed to the front to open the door.

Sighing I looked at my twin brother. "Wassup Maine."

"Can I come in?"

I stepped back to let him through. We went and sat on the couch. "Shouldn't you be in school?" I asked.

"You too."

"I'm good."

He laughed. "You good? What does that mean?"

"I'm good. I got my money from dad, that'll have a me set for a while. I don't need school."

"So you dropping out with a month and a half left? You got full scholarships on the line. You really about to throw all this away because you got 500k. Money doesn't last forever."

"Maine, I don't wanna hear no pep talks. I'm a grown ass man, I got this. Besides, somebody's going to help me double it."

"Double it? Nigga do you don't not see the scammers on Instagram telling you they can flip yo money? What the fuck has gotten into you?"


"It's something. You drinking heavy, you being stupid, you doing Aubree bold as hell."

"Aubree need to learn her place."


"She's not my mother and I'm not about to keep letting her treat me like I'm her child."

"She the closest thing we've had to a mother in damn near 10 years. Momma forgot about us once daddy died and Aubree made sure we was good. We could've been in foster care, living with some people that hate kids and treated us like shit but our sister bust her ass to make sure we was good."

"I appreciate the shit she's done but I'm not about to kiss her ass."

"Nobody is making you do that. She never made you do that, all she asking you to do is show her a little respect. You drinking and shit. We already got one addict, are we about to have another one?"

"Man no, I just went to a party that night. I'll talk to Aubree in due time. I just want her to know that we're not kids anymore."

"Don't blend me in with you. I'm not a kid but I give respect to those who deserve it."

He kill me with this good boy act. It's old and tiring. "Whatever Maine, I ain't tryna hear this shit."

"All I'm trying to do is help you. I know something isn't right with you and I'm trying to figure out what it is."

"I'm good." That's a lie. I just feel like my life in shambles. I never been the type to talk about my feelings and I'm not about to start now. That's some sucka shit.

Maine sighed because he knew I was lying. He always knows when I'm lying. Standing up from his seat he shoved his hands in his pockets. I didn't think he was going to leave this soon. "Well I still got time to make it to my first hour, I'll hit you up."

I just nodded. He then walked out the front door.

Siting back on the couch I took a deep breath while looking around. Maybe I do need to talk to Aubree.


Pulling myself out of bed, I went into the bathroom in Aubree's room. She had a tooth brush and rag sitting on the counter and some clothes on the toilet. I went and freshened up then headed downstairs. It smelled good as hell.

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